In the framework during working trip to the Aktobe region, deputy chairman of the FPRK Tokzhanov M.L., chairman of the territorial union of trade unions of the Aktobe region Amirgaliev A.A., deputy head of the branch trade union of health care workers “Senim” Toscheva I.A. visited Kargalinsk City Hospital is a modern multi-disciplinary medical and prophylactic organization with staff consisting of more than 250 people. As a result of the meeting, the team unanimously decided to join the trade union «Senim”.
Besides, deputy chairman of the FPRK Tokzhanov M.L. took part in the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana “Astana-uly Eldіn Ak Ordasy” (Organizer – Regional organization of the branch trade union of Education and Science workers). Professionals from all educational institutions of these districts of the region and the city of Aktobe attended the conference, and it is more than 200 members of primary trade union organizations, heads of State bodies, and social partners.
The conference ended with the awarding the best and active members of the trade unions with badges of the branch trade union of the education sphere as well as nominations “The best trade union”, “The Best staff agreement”, “The Best technical surveyor of labor security”, etc.