Governing bodies

Governing bodies

The highest authority of the Federation is the Congress which is convened by the General Council of the Federation at least once every five years. Extraordinary congresses of the Federation are convened by the General Council of the Federation or at the request of collegial authorities by at least one-third of its member organizations.

The convocation and proposed agenda of the Congress is announced no later than two months before the Congress. The norm of representation of delegates to the Congress is established by the General Council of the Federation of Trade Unions.

The decision on convocation of the Extraordinary Congress and the proposed agenda is announced not later than one month.

Congress of the Federation:

— hears reports on the activities of the General Council of the Federation and the Audit Commission of the Federation;

— approves the Statute of the Federation, regulations on the Audit Commission, alterations and additions to them. The Congress has the right to delegate this right to the General Council on a specially issued authority;

— determines the next tasks and strategy of the Federation;

— elects the chairman of the Federation, the Audit Commission of the Federation;

— approves the composition of the Federation Council General Council;

— takes decisions, resolutions, statements, addresses on the most important issues of the life of the country, the activities of state bodies, trade union movement;

— considers appeals on the application of this Statute;

— takes decisions on reorganization, termination of activities and liquidation of the Federation

The General Council is the governing authority of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The General Council is approved at the congress by the principle of direct delegation.

The General Council consists of the heads of all FTURK affiliates, one representative of branch trade unions with more than 30,000 union members, as well as the chairmen of the Commission for Working Women’s Affairs and the Youth Council.

The General Council is convened as necessary, but not less than once a year and is considered competent if at least two-thirds of the General Council members who have the right to vote participate in it. Decisions of the General Council are taken by a majority of votes of its members participating in the meeting.

The General Council of the Federation:

— ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Federation;

— develops the basic directions of activity on implementation of decisions of congresses and statutory tasks, protection of labor, social and economic rights and interests of members of trade unions and affiliated organizations;

—reports on its activities before the Congress;

— hears and approves reports of the Office of Property and Assets of the Federation of Trade Unions;

— determines the procedure for transferring contributions by the Federation’s member organizations, adopts recommendatory documents concerning the system of remuneration of elected trade union employees;

— determines the procedure for owning, using and disposing of the property of the Federation of Trade Unions;

— determines the indicators of financial reporting related to the calculation and payment of membership fees and other money to the Federation, a list of statistical data submitted by member organizations;

— on the proposal of the Chairman of the Federation elects the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions;

— hears reports of the leaders of the Federation and information of member organizations on the implementation of the Statute and decisions of the authorities of the Federation, as well as their activities;

— determines the procedure for nominating candidates for the post of chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions;

— in the period between congresses, elects and dismisses the chairman of the Federation;

— makes proposals on alterations and additions to the Statute of the Federation and regulations on the Audit Commission for approval at the Congress;

— approves the Model Statutes of branch trade unions and territorial (at the level of the region, the city of the republican significance, the capital) unions of trade unions;

— decides on the conduct of the election campaign in the Federation;

— approves the descriptions and sketches of the Federation symbols and the Statute of Symbols;

— carries out other functions delegated to him by affiliates and the Federation Congress.

The General Council of the Federation of Trade Unions in order to direct the work between its sessions elects the Executive Committee (hereinafter – the Executive Committee) from among the leaders of the Federation’s affiliated organizations.

The Executive Committee consists of deputy chairmen of the Federation whose number should not be more than one-third of the total number of members of the Executive Committee.

A member of the Executive Committee may be the head of the membership organization which pays timely and in full the membership fees for the activities of the Federation, fulfills the decisions of the bodies of the Federation.

The Executive Committee is accountable to the General Council of the Federation.

Meetings of the Executive Committee are convened as necessary, but at least once every three months.

The Executive Committee is authorized to adopt resolutions if at least two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee participate in its meetings. Decisions of the Executive Committee are taken by a majority of votes of its members participating in the meeting. If necessary, the decisions of the Executive Committee may be taken by poll. The opinion of the interviewed members of the Board is stated in writing.

Federation Executive Committee:

— ensures compliance with the norms and requirements of the Federation Statute, decisions of the Congress and the General Council;

— considers the issues of admission of new members to the Federation, the exclusion and withdrawal of affiliates from it, and their withdrawal from the General Council (the Executive Committee), as well as the cancellation of these decisions followed by the approval of decisions by the General Council;

— decides on the temporary deprivation and restoration of the voting right of the head and representatives of the member organization at the meetings of the elected bodies of the Federation

— conducts all-republican activities of trade unions;

— defines the main provisions of the General Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the republican associations of employers;

— approves the composition of plenipotentiary representatives of the Federation in government, departmental commissions and working groups;

— convokes meetings of the General Council of the Federation, determines the draft agenda and the place of its holding;

— organizes and coordinates the training of trade union personnel and assets;

— at the suggestion of the chairman of the Federation, approves the structure, the staff list of the Federation’s apparatus, considers candidacies of heads of structural divisions and organizations established by the Federation;

— asks in due course for awarding state and other awards to trade union workers and activists, awards trade union organizations and members of trade unions with Certificates of Honor, diplomas and other marks of distinction Federation of Trade Unions;

— organizes the work of the Federation’s printed body, on the proposal of the chairman of the Federation appoints the chief editor of the printed organ;

— approves the budget for the maintenance of the apparatus of the Federation and the apparatuses of territorial (at the region level, city of the republican significance, the capital) unions of trade unions, the conduct of intra-union and international activities;

— develops international relations with trade union organizations of other countries, studies the practice of their activities; Decides on the membership of the Federation in international trade union associations;

— interacts with deputy groups, factions of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determines joint action plans with them;

— develops proposals for concluding a General Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and republican associations of employers, other agreements; seeks to ensure that their content meets the interests of the Federation’s member organizations, exercises public control over their implementation;

— creates commissions and other permanent or temporary working authorities, empowers them with powers, establishes the order of their functioning;

— hears reports of the leaders of the Federation and information of member organizations on the implementation of the Statute and decisions of the bodies of the Federation;

— submits to the elected body of the member organization the proposal to revoke decisions, suspend actions of member organizations, their bodies that contradict the resolutions of the General Council and the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions;

— unites and coordinates the activities of member organizations in the solution of federal tasks, conducts all-republican activities of trade unions;

— represents and defends the interests of affiliated organizations in the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, republican associations of employers;

— develops proposals and seeks to consolidate in the legislative and other normative legal acts issues relating to fiscal and tax policy, regulation of labor relations, employment, wages, conditions and labor protection, the environment, housing and cultural services, social security of employees;

— participates in the development and formation of state social and economic programs and promotes their implementation;

— in accordance with the current legislation, facilitates the holding of mass actions of trade unions, including meetings, rallies, street processions, demonstrations, picketing and other collective actions, strikes;

— elects and dismisses deputy chairmen of the Federation and heads of territorial trade union associations on the proposal of the chairman of the Federation;

— regularly informs affiliates and trade union members about their activities;

— creates commissions and other permanent or temporary working bodies, empowers them with powers, establishes the order of their functioning;

— facilitates the resolution of disputes between Federation affiliates;

— decides to open branches and representative offices of the Federation;

— executes the procedure for owning, using and disposing of the property of the Federation;

— decides on the conduct of the election campaign in the Federation;

— performs other functions delegated to him by the General Council of the Federation.

The Audit Commission of the Federation is the control and audit authority that monitors the financial and economic activities of the Federation, the organizations it establishes the calculation and receipt of membership fees and other money, the correctness of spending money, the use of property of the Federation of Trade Unions.

The Audit Commission is elected at the Congress from representatives of the Federation’s affiliated organizations, guided in its activity by the Regulation on the Audit Commission approved by the Congress.

The Chairman of the Audit Commission is elected at the meeting of the Audit Commission by a majority of votes, he is a delegate to the Congress of the Federation of Trade Unions, he can participate in the work of the General Council and the Executive Committee with the right of advisory vote.