On 3 August, in the framework of the single Republican day of mediation in the Petropavlovsk city in the House of Friendship of the North Kazakhstan Regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, a roundtable on “Mediation as a basis for the formation of a new legal culture” was held. The chairmen and judges of the North Kazakhstan Regional Court, the specialized inter district economic court of the NKR, № 2 court of Petropavlovsk, the Prosecutor’s Office representatives, Justice, the Department of Internal Affairs, management of the domestic policy, the Territorial Union of the Trade Unions “Trade union center of the North-Kazakhstan region”, “Nur Otan” party, the Council of Public consent, the Council of Mothers, the organization of mediators, leaders and active members of the ethno associations, public figures, etc. The purpose of this event is to create a culture of resolving controversial and conflict situations in pre-trial order with the use of mediation popularizing the Institute of Mediation among the population. Reports were made by the head of the secretariat of the North Kazakhstan regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan Salimov N.K, chairman of the North-Kazakhstan regional Court Aitzhanov E.Zh, head of the Cabinet of the Mediation KSU “Kogamdyk Kelіsіm” Musabayev G.N., head of the NKR “North Kazakhstan Center of Mediation and Law” Commonwealth ” Pekhotina G.A., Chairman of the Council of public consent of the NKR of ANC Nadirov R.S. During the roundtable discussion were touched upon questions of the development of mediation. Professional mediators shared their experience as well as held a reception of citizens in the framework of the work of the public reception. In addition, the blitz-poll of participants of the event on the issues of mediation development was organized.
The holding of such round tables and seminars contributes to raising the level of legal culture of citizens solving labor and other disputes by conciliation procedures and peaceful settlement of disputes.