On the eve of the feast “The Day of Knowledge” by September 1, the NGO “Local union of power system workers” Pavlodarenergo “provided charitable assistance for the school year to the families of members of the union bringing up three or more children for each student (at the level general secondary education) and children with disabilities under 18 years of age. Assistance was given to 467 pupils and 17 disabled children for a total amount of 1 486 000 (one million four hundred eighty six thousand) tenge.
The chairman of the trade union of Pavlodarenergo Toleubayev B.K. and the chairman of the shop trade union committee of JSC “PDEC” Yevtushenko L.A congratulated the family of electric welder of the western enterprise of electric networks of JSC “PDEC” Voropayeva O.A with the birth of the 13th child in addition to the above assistance their 7 children have acquired sets of school supplies.