On October 30, a conference on the election of a new chairman of the Astana branch of the industry trade union of employees of state, banking institutions and public services was held.
The branch has about 30 primary trade union organizations in which more than three thousand trade union members work.
The conference was attended by the chairmen of the primary trade union organizations of the city of Astana and the leaders of the industry trade union.
Members of the Conference unanimously elected Tolegen Nygmetzhanovich Kunadilov as chairman of the city industry trade union.
Upon completion, the chairman of the sectoral trade union Mirbolat Zhakypov congratulated the new branch chairman on his election and proposed a concept for the development of the city branch’s activities aimed at strengthening trade union solidarity, ensuring reliable protection of labor and socio-economic rights and interests of workers, improving the organizational structure. It is planned to intensify the activities of the branch to enhance the motivation of trade union membership, purposeful work with the primary organizations, paying particular attention to the quality of collective bargaining agreements.
Conference participants approved a new concept of activity and expressed confidence in achieving their goals.