On November 1,2 and 6, 2018, meetings were held in the work teams of the departments of “AlPS” JSC Cascade HPP, CHP-3, CHP-2, Western Thermal Complex, “Energoremont” Production and Repair Enterprise, Center for Fuel Receipt and Unloading, CHP- 1, Kapshagai hydroelectric station. D.T. Zhajzhanova – Head of the Human Resources Management Department of “AlPS” JSC, M. U. Akylbay – Head of the Department for Safety and Health Control, V. Sitdikov – Chairman of the Trade Union “AlPS” Branch and Trade Union Chairmen committees of departments of AlES JSC, as well as representatives of the TATU Trade Union Center of Almaty.
At meetings, members of labor collectives received information on ensuring social stability in the work teams of “AlPS” JSC in the light of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018.
The issues of salary indexation, remuneration of personnel, provision of material assistance for health improvement during the care of workers on leave, payment of sick-lists (at the rate of 30 MCI), issues of providing workers with working clothes, special footwear, and other personal protective equipment, issuing were touched upon. Work on the development and adoption of a new Collective Agreement of “AlPS” JSC for 2019-2022. Members of the labor collective were informed about the housing program 7-20-25.
Corresponding explanations were given to the questions asked from members of the work collectives.