Informal communication is an important component of any international forums, the ITUC in Copenhagen is no exception.
The Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of the Kazakhstan delegation actively conducted negotiations and consultations with the stakeholders of the world trade union movement. For example, during negotiations with the Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Guy Rayderem, the head of FTURK B. Abdіrayym discussed the promotion of social justice in the workplace, strengthening social partnership and the concept of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the ILO in the next 2019.
In addition, the head of the FTURK, B. Abdіrayim, invited G. Rayder to Kazakhstan to participate in the celebration of the anniversary of the International Labor Organization.
In a conversation with Sharron Barrow, secretary general of the ITUC, the chairman of the FTURK, B. Әbdіrayim, as the head of one of the affiliates of the International Trade Union Confederation, expressed his commitment to the democratic principles of the international trade union movement.
In addition, representatives of the Kazakh delegation held a informal conversation with the national secretary of the Italian General Confederation of Labor, Susanna Camusso, who was nominated for the post of General Secretary of the ITUC. The election of the Secretary General will be held on the fourth day of the World Congress and will be held on December 5th.