Twenty seven years ago, our country began its own Kazakhstani path.
From the day of independence, large-scale changes have taken place in Kazakhstan, which laid a solid foundation for the development and strengthening of statehood, and an effective model of social development has been built, based on dynamic economic growth.
The horizons of development of Kazakhstan for decades ahead are reflected in the program documents of the President of our country.
A new step in the development and strengthening of our independent republic was the appeal by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan in his Message “Growth of Kazakhstan Welfare : Improving Incomes and Quality of Life”, which includes concrete steps to modernize the economy and strengthen human capital, in which special attention is paid to the idea of the Society of Universal Labor.
The country’s trade union movement also makes a significant contribution to the development of the state. An important step in the history of the trade unions of independent Kazakhstan was the adoption in 1993 of the Law “On Trade Unions”, which declared the transformation of trade unions into independent public associations. The Law on Trade Unions, adopted in 2014, gave trade unions a wide range of opportunities to build a full-fledged dialogue between employers and the state.
Today, the trade union movement of Kazakhstan has entered a constructive phase.
The current year, held under the auspices of the Year of Safety and Labor Protection, was marked for trade unions by a number of landmark events and achievements.
In order to change public awareness in matters of safety and labor protection, the Federation has developed and implemented regional programs “Safe Labor” in all regions, and held republican actions “Together we will increase the culture of prevention in labor protection.”
For the first time, the republican contest “The Best Technical Inspector on Labor Protection of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was held.
Realizing that Higher values than life and human health cannot be, the Federation of Trade Unions calls on social partners to join the Vision movement Zero (“Zero Injury”) promoted by the International Social Security Association (ISSA).
Under the auspices of the Federation of Trade Unions, the country’s trade unions have developed and submitted to the authorized state body on labor a bill
aimed at modernizing trade unions, taking into account the recommendations of the International Labor Organization.
As part of the social partnership, at the beginning of this year, the Plan of joint measures for the prevention and settlement of labor disputes in the country was implemented, thanks to which a number of large labor collective disputes in favor of workers were resolved.
In all regions, the Federation of Trade Unions and the Supreme Court of the country have established Conciliation Center “Tatulas ortalygy”, where mediation tools are actively used, including pre-trial resolution of individual labor disputes.
The XXV Congress of the Trade Union Federation held this year outlined a new course of its development, focused on modernizing the sphere of social and labor relations, fixing in the new Charter important principles of the continuity of generations and openness of the activities of the Trade Union Federation.
In the trade union agenda there are many issues to strengthen the work with the primary trade union organizations, which accumulate the whole range of problematic issues and expectations of the Person of Labor, and support for working youth.
A landmark event for our country, as for the whole world, will be the centenary of the authoritative global organization of the ILO in the coming 2019, the report of the Global Commission on the future of the world of work will be presented throughout the world.
On this significant day of the 27th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, the Federation of Trade Unions calls on all participants of the trade union movement to consolidate around the main principle: “A stable enterprise – a stable society – a stable country!”.
Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions
Republic of Kazakhstan.
December 14, 2018