On 16 may 2019, according to the network schedule of events of the Presidential candidate of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Amangeldy Taspihov a meeting of heads of public staff of the candidate with representatives of labor collectives of the city was hosted on the establishment of enterprise councils for security and safety.
As speakers at a campaign event were: moderator of the event, the Trustee, the co-Director of the Republican public staff of the candidate, the Vice-Chairman FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin, the Chairman of industrial trade union of education and science Amantaeva Mayra, Chairman of the Committee FPRK Jumageldiyeva Gulnara, Vice-Chair of the industrial trade Union of education and science Aigul Mukasheva.
At the meeting the issues of security and labor protection, establishment of industrial councils and the work of the technical inspectors on labor protection were discussed. It was noted that one of the main objectives of the production council is to conduct audits of working conditions, as well as organization of joint actions on prevention of occupational traumatism at enterprises and in organizations.
The establishment of works councils is particularly important for enterprises in the real sector, which are high-risk zone for life and health, and labor activity of workers is exposed to the negative processes connected with industrial injuries, violations of security and labor protection, etc.
According to statistics of the International labor organization every year due to harmful and dangerous factors of production around the world about 2.3 million people die. Mortality from accidents in the world takes the third place after cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
Accidents with fatal outcome happen more often with young and inexperienced workers.
Kazakhstan is no exception to the global patterns of occurrence of accidents in production and their impact on the health of the population and the economy.
Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a decrease in occupational injuries in the whole country, the level remains high.
On average in the country every year in the production more than 1 500 people are injured, of which more than 200 people die.
For 2018 191 enterprises 221 people died (!). The greatest number of accidents with fatal outcome occurred in Karaganda (37), Turkestan (24), East Kazakhstan regions (19).
Therefore, the organization of safety at work is a serious social problem.
The principled position of the Federation of trade unions in this matter is: people should come to work and return home alive and well to his family.
Security issues and occupational safety are constantly in focus of our attention. The Federation of trade unions 2018 announced as a Year of security and occupational health and has worked and is working in this direction and this year. In this regard, here are some facts and figures.
In all regions of the country on the initiative of the trade unions the regional programs “Safe work” were approved, and continue to be implemented.
Together with the National chamber of entrepreneurs “Atameken” and Confederation of employers of Kazakhstan held the Republican Action “Together we will strengthen the culture of prevention in the field of labor protection”.
Together with NDP “Nur Otan” party held the Republican contest “the Best technical inspector of labor Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, which marked the work of 39 of the best technical inspectors on labor safety.
Created and operate 12 855 industrial security and labor protection (95% of them created on the initiative of trade unions), 10 630 — non-industrial organizations), including 9 460 tips to initiate trade unions, representing 80.3% of the total amount of production tips.
The total number of technical inspectors on labor protection in the Republic is 18810.
The format of today’s meeting allowed those present to ask urgent questions and receive appropriate explanations from the speakers and Trustees of the presidential candidate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Amangeldy Taspikhov.