In early September, Kazakhstan traditionally congratulates those whose work is professionally associated with the development of the oil and gas complex. This holiday, officially approved in 2003 by decree of the first President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev, a tribute to the work of workers in many specialties – oil producers, drillers and geologists, developers, engineers and builders, transporters, technologists.
Those on whose activities the work of all industries, the national economy, comfort and living standards of the population depend. In addition, the professional holiday coincided with the commemorative date of the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s first oil production, in connection with which the Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Industry Professional Union PA honored those who, with their daily work, make a worthy contribution to the development of the country’s oil production, successfully cope with production plans . The trade union activists, whose work strengthens the Social Partnership, the union veterans who stood at the origins of the creation of our public association, were not forgotten.
The jubilee medals Kazakhstan «Қазақстан мұнайына 120 жыл» were awarded to more than 200 trade union activists of industry enterprises, 7 workers were awarded departmental awards, the celebrations ended with the reception of veterans of the trade union movement, 18 of which received high awards.