Dear Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich!

The Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, being a part of civil society, expresses concern about the current situation in the country and stands for the preservation of stability and public order, the implementation of civilized actions in the legal field, ensuring peace and harmony.

We believe that one of the main reasons for the recent events in the country are generally low incomes of the population, the insecurity of citizens’ rights to work and the lack of constructive social dialogue.

In this regard, it is necessary to take systematic measures to improve the welfare of the people of Kazakhstan:

– to ensure decent working conditions through the improvement of the remuneration system, labor and trade union legislation, the preservation and creation of new jobs, strengthening state and public control over compliance with labor legislation;

– urgently ratify the Conventions of the International Labour Organization №131 on the establishment of minimum wages”, № 102 “On minimum standards of social security”;

– to ensure a real social dialogue between the Government, employees’ associations and employers’ associations by reforming the social partnership system and adopting a new Law on Social Partnership;

– strengthen the role of civil society institutions.

We are confident that only the joint efforts of the whole society can become the basis for promoting the principles of social justice and ensuring decent working conditions for people in Kazakhstan.

Executive Committee of the

Federation of Trade Unions

of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

January 7, 2022