Challenges and Solutions in the Field of Labor Migration Discussed by Trade Union Leaders and International Experts in Lithuania

On October 1-2, representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated in an international seminar on labor migration, organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in cooperation with the Lithuanian trade union “Solidarumas” in Vilnius.

The seminar brought together experts, trade union representatives, and government officials from various countries in the region to discuss pressing issues related to protecting the rights of labor migrants and their integration into host countries’ societies.

The speech by Satylbaldy Dauletalin, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, highlighted the relevance of addressing labor migration issues in the context of globalization and the growing geopolitical and economic crises.

“Labor migration is not just an economic phenomenon but one of the key integrative processes between our countries that requires special attention,” emphasized Satylbaldy Dauletalin.

He noted that the Government of Kazakhstan has adopted a Migration Concept (2023-2027), under which programs are being implemented to integrate migrants into the labor market and society.

“It is important to understand that the problem of labor migration requires a comprehensive approach. It is necessary to create conditions for the legalization of migration processes, ensure the protection of labor migrants’ rights, and develop joint strategies to address issues at all levels,” added the Head of the FTURK, emphasizing the need for interstate cooperation in this area.

As an example, he cited the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation on Labor Migration, signed by the national trade union centers of the Central Asian countries last year.

“Trade unions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan have united their efforts to protect the rights and interests of labor migrants. As part of the agreement, we also plan to provide legal and advisory assistance, promote the establishment of trade unions in the host country, and advocate for the ratification of ILO Conventions 97 “On Migrant Workers” and 143 “On Migration in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers,” among other measures,” reported the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In turn, the Deputy Chairperson of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gulnara Zhumageldieva, also emphasized the importance of a civilized migration policy for Kazakhstan and the world.

According to her, Kazakhstan’s primary migration exchange occurs with CIS countries. The share of those arriving from and departing to CIS countries amounted to 75.6% and 74.7%, respectively.

Additionally, the Deputy Chairperson of the FTURK noted that annually, about 200,000 Kazakhstanis, including both highly skilled professionals and ordinary workers, leave the country in search of better wages, including to countries such as England, Korea, and other European states.

She stated that under the General Agreement for 2024-2026, social partners have committed to regulating migration processes in line with the new Migration Policy Concept for 2023-2027, which was approved by the Government of Kazakhstan on November 30, 2022.

At the same time, the Deputy Chairperson of the FTURK noted the special role of trade unions in regulating labor migration issues.

“Trade unions in Kazakhstan are paying particular attention to promoting the principles of decent work, implementing international standards, and ensuring social justice. Thus, addressing labor migration issues has recently become one of the Federation of Trade Unions’ areas of activity,” added Gulnara Zhumageldieva.

She also spoke about state support measures and social protection for labor migrants.

“Kazakhstan is actively adopting legal acts to improve migration policy today. The central focus is on eliminating the causes of illegal migration and creating conditions for the social protection of migrants,” added Gulnara Zhumageldieva.


Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan