Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Nurlan Uteshev met with members of the primary trade union organization of the Center for Special Social Services «Shapagat» of the Department of Employment and Social Protection of the population in Shymkent.
According to the head of the center, Vinera Nurzhanova, the main goal of the institution is to provide special social services in a semi – stationary form to disabled people of the first and second groups over the age of eighteen. The center is designed for 70 people and provides social assistance in 7 areas in accordance with the standard. To date, 549 people have applied to the center.
The institution was opened in 2019. The number of employees is 43 people, 3% of them are disabled. Neurologists, psychiatrists, traumatologists, orthopedists and therapists work here.
The primary trade union organization of the Center was established in 2019. As the chairman of the primary Ulbike Medarova has highlighted the institution 100% coverage of trade union membership is provided.
The primary trade union organization is a part of the Shymkent branch of the Branch Trade Union of employees of state, banking institutions and public services «Kyzmet». As the chairman of the trade union committee has declared, the social and labor relations between the employer and the employees of the Center are based on a collective agreement for 2020-2023.
The employees of the institution are concerned about the lack of the status of social workers, working conditions and non-compliance of wages with requirements and duties. In this regard, the Center’s employees appealed to the leadership of the FTURK and the Branch Trade Union with a request to assist in solving these issues.
Mirbolat Zhakypov, Chairman of the Branch Trade Union of Employees of State, Banking Institutions and Public Services, highly appreciated the work of the primary trade union organization.
In his turn, he pointed out that the issues discussed during the event are on the agenda of the meeting of the Federation of Trade Unions and the Branch Trade Union «Kyzmet».
Summing up at the end of the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Nurlan Uteshev thanked the members of the primary trade union organization for a meaningful conversation and talked about the initiatives of the Federation of Trade Unions in the framework of the implementation of the tasks of the FTURK Activity Strategy for 2020-2025.
«The issues raised today by the team are reflected in the Strategy of the Federation of Trade Unions «In Unity for Justice and Development» for the next five years. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Federation and deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament, some of them are already moving forward at the legislative level», – Nurlan Uteshev said.
During the event, the work of the members of the primary trade union organization of the Center for Special Social Services «Shapagat» was marked by letters of thanks from the chairman of the Shymkent branch of the Branch Trade Union of State, Banking and Public Workers and the chairman of the Trade Union Center in Shymkent.
Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan