Representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan took part in the memory of victims of political repressions

On May 31, 2018 in Karaganda on the basis of the production branch of LLP “KazMunayGas Onimderi” was held a meeting of Sultan Kaliyev – chairman of the public association “Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of Oil and Gas Complex” KAZMUNAIGASPROF “and Bolat Zhumabekov – chairman of the Trade Union Center of the Karaganda region with trade union activists, and social partners of the Karaganda oil and gas management of JSC “KazTransOil” and the production branch of LLP “KazMunaiGas Onimderi” in the Karaganda region.

The participants of the meeting honored the memory of the victims of political repressions with a “minute of silence”. This day reminds one of the tragic pages of the history of Kazakhstan, because of which several million people were killed and victims of the persecution.

As Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted, “history lessons only then have value when they are understood and realized by the modern generation of Kazakhstan.”

Sultan Kaliyev, Bolat Zhumabekov, members of the collective of the Trade Union Center and the Karaganda regional branch of the Kazakhstan branch trade union of the oil and gas industry laid flowers to the monument in the city park in memory of the victims of political repressions.