On 29 June a group of representatives of Almaty city trade unions headed by the Deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sairov Yerlan Biyahmetovich, as a member of the Republican Branch Professional Union chairman employees of the health care system “Senim” Dyusenov Saparbek Serikovich and chairman of the Territorial Union of Trade Unions of Almaty Umirbaevoy Zauresh Abilgozhanovna held scheduled meetings with the management and members of the Labour collectives National Center of Tuberculosis Problems of the RK, the Kazakh Research Institute of Eye Diseases, the Republican Blood Center.
During the meetings, deputy chairman of the FPRK Sairov E.B. informed the employees of these organizations that the complex measures to develop a common policy in the field of consolidation of trade union community and adaptation of trade union structures to modern conditions, trends and challenges allowed to strengthen the core of the trade union movement. At the same time, consistent work on strengthening the positions of the primary trade union organizations ensures the dynamics of the processes of developing and implementing new forms and methods of work on the creation of strong and cohesive unions.
According to Sairov E.B., within the framework of these processes the Federation of Trade Unions actively continues the work on audit of existing norms and maintenance of trade union activity by the legislative-normative base corresponding to modern challenges. He also said that the requirements for mandatory redrafting of existing program and statutory documents of member organizations FPRK in line with the common goals and objectives of FPRK. To maintain the rate of growth in the value of the assets and assets of trade unions, work continues to improve organizational and financial work.
These and other measures, according to Sairov E.B., will allow all member organizations of the Federation of Trade Unions to take a leading position and strengthen themselves on the platform of Social partnership in the regions in the short period of time.
Then Dyusenov Saparbek Serikovich gave a brief presentation on the results of activity of the Republican Branch Professional Union of health care workers “Senim” to the staff of medical institutions. It was noted that the trade union organization successfully passed the procedure of legal registration and actively increases its organizational and resource potential. The special attention is given to the processes of creation of new and involvement in the ranks of the existing primary trade union organizations of establishments of medical branch.
The Chairman of the branch Nurgaziev Kuanysh Shadybaevich who outlined the strategy of the Almaty Branch of the Republican sectoral Professional Union of health care workers “Senim”, spoke to the colleagues about development of the organization and the principles of forming a system of membership fees. According to his information, 65 per cent of contributions would be made available to the primary organization. This, in his opinion, will undoubtedly contribute to the further intensification of activity of trade union bodies on motivation of trade union membership, involvement of new members. This will be followed by an increase in the executive discipline and responsibility of elected trade union bodies for the fulfillment of statutory requirements and decisions. All this will allow the Almaty branch to grow into a powerful regional trade union branch center, which in fact protects labor rights and social guarantees of employees of the medical industry.
Convincing words and thesis of the guests spoken during the meeting allowed to develop a common opinion among the management and members of the labour collectives on joining the Republican Branch Professional Union of health care workers “Senim”. As a result, this organization joined its ranks for another 2,000 active members of the trade union «Senim”.