On June 29, the first meeting of the working group “reduction of the tax burden to raise the wages of low-paying employees” of the public council for monitoring the implementation of five social Initiatives of the President were held in the Almaty city branch party «Nur Otan».
Participants of the meeting which included the chairman of the TUTU “Trade Union Center of Almaty” Umirbaev Z.A. presented a plan of measures in the implementation of tasks to reduce the size of individual income tax (IIT) employees with low-wage. Under the plan of normative regulation and measures on introduction of the new order of taxation the improved mechanism of administration of IIT is supposed that in opinion of developers of the project will allow to reduce loading for the certain category of workers. Thus released means from reduction of a tax burden to direct on increase of payment of their work. The development of this model requires taking into account all risks and possible social consequences from the introduction of new norms that in turn requires a balanced approach and the agreed opinion of all parties to social partnership.
Development of the final document on reduction of the tax burden for increase of salaries of low-paid workers at application of the progressive scale of IIT will be completed in August of the current year. However, the introduction of a new tax mechanism for low-paying citizens will come into force on January 1, 2019, in connection with the beginning of a new tax period, the experts, who spoke before the members of the city Public Council for control over the implementation of Five social initiatives.
Participants of the Public Council for monitoring the implementation of five social initiatives during the meeting noted with satisfaction that this initiative in the case of full implementation would accelerate the processes of formalization of self-employed persons, legalization labour relations and mass reduction of informal self-employment of the population.
According to economists, in case of successful realization of this project for 2.0 mln. people across the country will increase wages without increasing the burden on employers. The main executor of this order of the head of State is the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Also Umirbaev Z.A. took part in the second meeting of the Public Council for monitoring the implementation of the five social initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme: “On the progress of the first and third social initiatives of the President of the RK” in video regime communications.
On June 29 a group of representatives of Almaty city trade unions headed by the Deputy chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sairov Yerlan Biyahmetovich, as a member of the Republican Branch Professional Union chairman employees of the health care system “Senim” Dyusenov Saparbek Serikovich and the chairman of the Territorial Union of Trade Unions of Almaty Umirbayeva Zauresh Abilgozhanovna visited the health administration of Akimat of Almaty city. During the meeting, understanding of the common tasks of single entry of all polyclinics and hospitals into the “Senim” was achieved.