Today in the trade union sanatorium “Shchuchinsky” a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the FPRK Bakhytzhan Әbdirayym.
Organizational and personnel issues were considered at the meeting: new heads of territorial unions of trade unions were elected in Kyzylorda, East Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Pavlodar regions. The Executive Committee determined the date and venue of the extraordinary XXV Congress of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Issues of responsibility of affiliated organizations that committed violations of the statutory requirements and non-payment of membership fees to the FPRK in the prescribed manner, the work of the trade union of entrepreneurs and compliance with the Charter requirements, and the implementation of decisions of the Federation bodies were discussed.
Separate points were considered questions about the donation of the administrative building of the ROP FPRK in Arkalyk to the balance of RGP Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. S. Altynsarin “and about the procedure for the implementation of permits to subordinate sanatoria, rest homes and hotels FPRK, etc.
Passed by the Executive Committee demonstrated the consolidation of the trade union movement in matters of personnel policy, asset management and further development of the FPRK.