On November 9, 2018, at the initiative of the Almaty city branch of the NGO “Industry Trade Union of Employees of State, Banking Institutions and Public Services” together with the Territorial Association of Trade Unions of the city of Almaty, as a single tour operator in distributing vouchers to FTURK health resorts, an information tour was organized at “Koktem” sanatorium.
This event was organized for the first time with the invitation of the chairmen of the primary trade union organizations of the industry trade union of state institutions and representatives of the local trade union of workers in the sphere of public services. The info-tour is primarily aimed at the active involvement of members of trade union organizations in sanatorium-resort health improvement, improving the health of workers
Speaking to the participants, Danagul Ainakulova, chairperson of the ACB of the NGO “Industry Trade Union of Employees of State, Banking Institutions and Public Services” noted that the health of the nation is the main priority of the state, to which the President constantly pays attention in his annual Messages. At the same time, she emphasized that the purpose of this event is the active involvement of workers and their families in the sanatorium-resort treatment, the organization of tourist trips, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and the filling of trade union health centers with vacationers.
In turn, a representative of the TATU Umirbayev Y. made a presentation. He acquainted the chairmen of primary trade union organizations with the services of a sanatorium, spoke about all other sanatoriums in Kazakhstan, and about the benefits provided to members of trade union organizations.
Such organizational measures, carried out by the branch trade union, are aimed at developing domestic tourism, improving the health of the population, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
For reference: Sanatorium “Koktem” is located in Almaty, in the picturesque foothill gorge of the Trans-Ili Alatau at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. Pure ionized air, a beautiful mountain landscape and a successful combination of climatherapeutic opportunities with natural mineral water, provide excellent results of treatment and make the health resort attractive at any time of the year.
To date, the sanatorium “Koktem” has a medical and diagnostic building, equipped with modern equipment and equipment, allowing to offer a wide range of medical procedures.
The sanatorium has its own source of mineral water, derived in 1990 on its territory from deep aquifers (2350 meters).
The sanatorium is specialized in the treatment of: diseases of the digestive organs, urological diseases, metabolic diseases and endocrine system, chronic and occupational intoxication, including heavy metals and phosphorus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, vascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system
(out of the acute phase), gynecological diseases, skin disease, respiratory diseases and ENT – diseases, gum disease and teeth.