On February 22, representatives of the Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan headed by Vice-President E. J. Kappel held a briefing for journalists of the region, which were presented the results of work of Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018.

Y. Kappel reminded that 2018 became the year of safety and labor protection, within the framework of which in all regions, together with social partners, the program “Safe labor” was implemented, the Republican action “Together we will raise the culture of prevention in the field of labor protection” and the competition “the Best technical inspector for labor protection of fprk”was held. He briefed the media on the results of the reduction in the level of occupational injuries, collective labor disputes compared to the same period of previous years, the number of existing production councils for safety and labor protection and technical inspectors for labor protection.

Brought to the attention of journalists information about human rights activities, and the establishment in all the territorial associations of trade unions of the 17 centers of reconciliation, the purpose of which is the reduction of conflict in society, the severity of corporate, labour and other social contradictions, the results of the Republican campaign “Conclude a contract of employment”.

The Chairman of the NGO “Industry professional employees Union institutions, banks and public services” Gaipov M. H. and Deputy Chairman of the Republican branch trade Union of workers of small and medium business “YNTYMAQ” Janabekov K. K. also informed the media representatives about the ongoing work to strengthen the unity and consolidation of the actions of employees in their sectors to protect the rights and raise the prestige of the person.