On July 18 this year, the report of akim of North Kazakhstan region K. I. Aksakalov “On the results of socio-economic development of North Kazakhstan region for the first half of 2019” was held at the session of the regional maslikhat.
In the report, special attention was paid to the issues of social support of the population, increase of wages to employees, within the framework of the implementation of priority areas to increase the income of the population and ensure decent wages of workers, designated at the official ceremony of inauguration of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev K. K.
During the discussion of the report of the Governor of the region to the regional asset was made by the Chairman of the trade Center of SKO E. Nurakaev, who noted that the trade unions are actively involved in the work on the implementation of priority areas of development of the country, designated by the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev K., to increase incomes and ensure decent wages.
He also noted that the issues of remuneration of workers are a constant priority of trade unions, and currently, in pursuance of the Protocol order of the meeting of the interdepartmental group on increasing incomes of the population on July 17 this year, meetings were held jointly with the state labour Inspectorate with employers and chairmen of trade unions of engineering enterprises: JSC “Plant them S. Kirov”, JSC “PZTM” JSC, “ZEKE STO”, JSC “munaimash.” These enterprises fully supported the proposal to increase wages by 10-15%. The heads of machine-building enterprises together with the trade Union committees have taken measures to fulfill the task, changes are made to the existing collective agreements.
The work of trade unions to hold meetings in labor collectives and increase workers ‘ wages will be continued in other industries.