Online a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation of trade unions of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Chairman FPRK Satybaldy Deleteline.
In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, members of the Executive Committee heard reports on the results of the work of Territorial associations of trade unions in Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and North Kazakhstan regions.
The practice of the Executive Committee reviewing information on the work of member organizations that are members of the FPRC was introduced in accordance with the decision of the 26th Congress of the FPRC.
Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Federation of trade unions Satybaldy Dauletalin emphasized the priority tasks of trade unions.
“It is necessary to pay special attention to the creation of primary trade Union organizations, prevention and resolution of labor conflicts, as well as the development of social partnership. You need to constantly update these questions and approach them very seriously,” said Satybaldy Dauletaly.
During the meeting, the heads of trade unions noted the growth of trade Union membership in the regions.
Thus, the Chairman of the trade Union center of Atyrau region Izturgan Baymukhanov, informing the participants about the situation in the social and labor sphere of the region, said that over the past three years, 39 new primary trade Union organizations have been created in the region, with 22 thousand members.
“Work in this direction continues, currently negotiations are underway with 500 large and medium-sized enterprises, and we hope that in the next two years we will increase the number of trade Union members by 50 percent,” Baimukhanov said.
According to him, in comparison with last year, the level of industrial injuries at the enterprises of Atyrau region decreased by 75%, but the number of fatal cases doubled. In Atyrau region, large and medium-sized enterprises with trade unions have 73 production councils and 360 technical inspectors. Collective agreements in the region cover 2377 enterprises and institutions out of the current nine thousand.
The Chairman of the FPRC stressed that the work on increasing the coverage of collective agreements and opening production councils should be continued.
In turn, the Chairman of the professional center of the West Kazakhstan region, Aigul Esekenova, in her speech also reported an increase in industrial injuries in the region, mainly in construction companies.
In the West Kazakhstan region, 12 new primary trade Union organizations were created during the reporting period, and the total number of trade Union members reached 72,016 people.
Speaking about the work done, the Chairman of the trade Union center of Pavlodar region Dinara Aitzhanova said that in three years the number of trade Union members in Pavlodar region increased by 10,671 people (from 124,734 trade Union members in 2018, the number increased to 135,405 by 2020). New branches of the industry trade unions “SENIM “And “YNTYMAQ” were established in the region. According to D. Aitzhanova, Pavlodar region is one of the three leading regions of the country in terms of the number of contracts concluded. The coverage of existing enterprises by collective agreements in 2020 was 93%.
At the enterprises of the region where trade unions operate, 840 industrial safety and labor protection councils have been established, which include 1,223 technical labor protection inspectors who exercise public control. There is a decrease in occupational injuries in the region.
Chairman of the trade Union center of the North Kazakhstan region Erik Nurakayev also noted the growth of trade Union membership in the region. So, in three years, 294 primary trade Union organizations were created with the number of 14099 trade Union members, an increase of 32%. according to E. Nurakayev, in organizations with trade Union participation, the conclusion of collective agreements is 100% and the content of these agreements differs significantly. The trade Union center developed a draft collective agreement with high-quality benefits and guarantees, which was presented to social partners and recommended to employers for use.
During the meeting, the leaders of trade Union organizations also informed the members of the Executive Committee about the large-scale work to support citizens in difficult situations, as well as trade Union members during the pandemic. It was about material support, ensuring safe working conditions and other measures.
After listening to the speakers, The head of the fprc generally gave a positive assessment of the work of the chairmen of the trade Union centers.
“Territorial associations are doing a lot of work in all priority areas and tasks of the Federation of trade unions. Thanks to the efforts of the chairmen of the trade Union centers, we managed to achieve good indicators for collective agreements. Trade unions must have real leaders. This benefits the wider Union movement”, — said Satybaldy Dauletaly.
Members of the Executive Committee noted the importance of the new practice of hearing information about the work of territorial divisions of trade unions.
Chairman of the Kazakhstan oil and gas industry trade Union Elena Mustafina highly appreciated the work of trade Union centers in the Western region.
“We have managed to establish a proper level of partnership in the region. The heads of trade Union centers managed to unite trade Union organizations. Working in the context of a pandemic has especially shown that we can and will work constructively, ” said Elena Mustafina.
Chairman of the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of the oil and gas complex Sultan Kaliev expressed support for the activities of trade Union centers, noting the significant contribution of their leadership to the development of the trade Union movement in the regions.
“I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have developed quite a business relationship and understanding on the ground. TOP chairmen actively participate in all the events that we hold in the territories and provide support in their implementation, ” Sultan Kaliyev said.
In turn, Mirbolat Zhakypov, Chairman of the Branch trade Union of employees of state, banking institutions and public services, noted the high results of the work of trade Union centers. He told about his experience of interaction with territorial associations of trade unions.
“The chairmen of trade Union centers in any situation show solidarity in interaction with member organizations, provide significant support in solving certain issues of trade unions in the regions,” Mirbolat Zhakypov stressed.
According to the results of the meeting, the members of the Executive Committee supported the candidates of the current chairmen by a majority of votes, noting their long-term experience, high professionalism and authority among regional social partners.
Media center of the Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan