On May 6, 2021, the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.
According to the agenda, the members of the Executive Committee approved a new regulation on awards and badges of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Awards and badges of the Federation of Trade Unions are the highest form of recognition and encouragement for a significant contribution to the strengthening and development of the trade union movement, the protection of socio-economic and labor rights of workers, the formation and implementation of the economic and social policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the strengthening of international relations between trade unions and ensuring the activities of the Federation.
According to the new rules, the following awards were approved: The Letter of Thanks of the Chairman of the FPRK, the Certificate of Honor of the FPRK, the Medal of the FPRK “Enbek Ozaty” (Leader of Labor), the Medal of the FPRK “Kasipodaktagi belsendi zhumysy ush” (For active trade union work), the Medal of the FPRK “Kasipodak Ardageri” (Veteran of the trade union), the Medal of the FPRK “Kazakhstan kasipodaktar kazgalysyna sinirgen enbegi ush” (For services to the trade union movement of Kazakhstan), KRKF Dank Kitaby (Book of Glory of the FPRK) Suspension of the FPRK “Kasipodak Danky” (Glory of the Trade Union), 8. The medal of the FPRK “Yntymaktastyk” (Solidarity), the Medal of the FPRK ” Uzdik aleumettik ariptes “(Best Social Partner), as well as the signs of the Trade Union Sign of the FPRK” Kasipodak mushesi “(Trade Union Member), the Trade union sign of the FPRK” Kasipodak koshbashysy ” (Trade Union Leader).
The Book of Glory of the Federation includes the leaders, full-time employees of the elected bodies of the Trade Union, who have shown throughout their activities loyalty to its ideals, ability and perseverance in representing and protecting the social and labor rights and legitimate interests of trade union members, who have made an outstanding contribution to ensuring the organizational and financial strengthening of the trade union and the development of the trade union movement.
A necessary condition for making a decision on entering into the Book of Glory of the Federation and awarding the “Kasipodak Danky” Pendant is the presence of the highest award of the Federation-the Medal “Kazakhstan kasipodaktar kazgalysyn sinirgen enbegi Ush” and continuous experience of at least 20 years in the elected bodies of the Federation. The Medal is awarded at least three times a year: on the Day of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan (October 10), Labor Day (the last Sunday of September) and Independence Day (December 16).
At the same time, the FPRC Executive Committee reviewed the results of statistical reporting of the Federation of Trade Unions ‘ member organizations for 2020.
According to the resolution of the General Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of December 23, 2020 No. 6.6, every year, until February 20, branch trade unions submit statistical forms on the number of trade union members and trade union activities (taking into account the recommendations for filling
them out), while ensuring their reliable, high-quality filling and timely submission. Industry unions must submit six reporting forms with explanatory notes attached to them.
In general, the analysis of statistical data showed a decrease in key indicators over the past five years. In comparison with 2016, the number of trade union members decreased from 1,970,349 to 1,638,182 (-332,167, 17%).
A significant reduction in trade union membership occurred due to the processes of optimization, liquidation and reorganization of enterprises, which led to a reduction in the number of employees.
The instability of the situation in the trade union movement also has a negative impact, with some trade union organizations withdrawing from the branch trade union. In addition, the unstable economic condition of trade union members during the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic was reflected. Due to the transition to a remote mode of work, the reduction in production volumes, many trade union members were unable to pay membership fees and expressed a desire to leave the union.
During the reporting period, 694 primary trade union organizations were established, involving 32,981 trade union members. For the period from 2016 to 2020, the number of collective agreements decreased by 11.3% from 17,955 to 15,915.
In 2020, 2,509 collective agreements were concluded, and 3,853 collective agreements were extended.
According to the Federation of Trade Unions, the main reasons for the decline in the number of collective agreements are: a reduction in the number of active primary trade union organizations due to the reorganization or liquidation of enterprises, the conclusion of unified collective agreements, employers ‘evasion from concluding collective agreements, employers’ violation of deadlines for concluding collective agreements, etc.
The procedure for indexation of wages is fixed in 1,895 collective agreements concluded by trade union organizations of the real sector. Compared to 2019, the share of collective agreements containing the employer’s obligation to index wages in 2020 increased by 24.8%.
As of January 1, 2021, the number of industrial safety and labor protection councils in the Federation of Trade Unions ‘ member organizations decreased from 11,707 to 11,186 (4%) compared to 2019.
These indicators reflect a decline in the effectiveness of the Federation of Trade Unions ‘ member organizations in the main areas of trade union activity. The lack of consolidated efforts of industry and territorial trade union bodies in organizing and conducting activities to create primary schools and attract new trade union members, conclude collective agreements, create production councils, and elect technical inspectors.
In this regard, the industry experts have made a number of recommendations in terms of strengthening organizational work with trade unions on occupational safety and health, social partnership and protection of workers ‘ labor rights. Today, the members of the executive committee also unanimously supported three new projects of the Federation of Trade Unions.
The first of them is the annual republican media contest ” Enbek Adamyn Ulyktau»
The competition is held in order to implement the Strategy of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 “In unity for justice and development”, to popularize the trade union movement, to increase the prestige of working professions, as well as the contribution of trade
unions in improving social and labor relations. The competition is held in five categories: “Best Journalist”, “Best Information Partner”, “Best Photo Lens”, “Best Trade Union Information resource of Trade Unions”, “Best Trade Union Press Service”.
The Competition is open to media journalists of any level, independent journalists, employees of the Federation’s member organizations for working with the media, photographers, bloggers, as well as agencies and non-profit organizations.
In the categories “Best Trade Union Press Service”,” Best Information resource of Trade Unions”, only trade union media and trade union organizations of any level that are part of the Federation’s member organization participate.
The contest accepts materials published in the media and aired from January 1, 2021 to September 1, 2021. The official results of the competition will be announced on October 8, 2021. The award ceremony will take place on the eve of the Day of Trade Unions.
The members of the Executive Committee also decided to hold competitions “The best sanatorium of the Year” and “The Best sanatorium worker”. The purpose of these annual competitions is to motivate health resorts to improve the quality of services in order to improve the management system and ensure the safety of the property of the FPRC and its member organizations.
Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan