The Federation of Trade Unions continues its daily online educational course consisting of a series of seminars for trade union members on improving skills in the negotiation process.

The online marathon was launched on the initiative of the FTURK from June 21 and will last until July 2, 2021 with a daily coverage of about 100 trade union members from all regions of the country.

Opening the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the FTURK Nurlan Uteshev noted that the Federation of Trade Unions pays special attention to the issues of improving the professional level of trade union assets and the exchange of trade union experience.

“The strategy of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025 «In unity for justice and Development» provides for the promotion of a new trade union ideology through the formation of a high level of legal culture among trade union personnel, trade union activists and trade union members themselves”, – Nurlan Uteshev highlighted.

During the meeting, the Deputy Chairman of the FTURK told the participants about the activities of the Federation of Trade Unions held within the framework of the Year of the Primary Trade Union Organization and other trade union initiatives to protect the interests of a laboring man.

The participants of the seminars discussed the most challenging issues of trade union activity and mechanisms for strengthening social partnership.

The Deputy Director of the Department of Organizational and Personnel Work of the FTURK Lyazzat Eszhanova introduced the participants with the practical implementation of the labor legislation of Kazakhstan.

Marina Ivanova, the head of the Reconciliation Center of the Professional Center of the Pavlodar region, shared case situations to the participants to consider the examples of judicial bodies’ decisions on labor disputes.

Lyudmila Golenkova, chief specialist on legal issues of the Trade Union Center of the North Kazakhstan Region, talked about the mechanisms of prevention and resolution of labor disputes and the organization of the work of the Conciliation Commission.

The chief specialist of the Kyzylorda TOP, Maira Boranbayeva, told her colleagues about the main principles of the trade union’s activity and the practice of regulating labor relations.

The participants showed a significant interest in the training program noting the practical value of the issues under consideration.

The trade union members expressed their gratitude to the Federation of Trade Unions for providing an interactive online educational platform for improving the legal culture of their members.


Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions

of the Republic of Kazakhstan