An environmental trade union project “ProfiPark” is being implemented in Petropavlovsk on the initiative of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During a working visit to the North Kazakhstan region, the Chairman of the FTURK Satybaldy Dauletalin, together with veterans of the trade union movement and young members of the trade union, took part in the annual Action on planting fir trees in the trade union park.

The ProfiPark project was initiated by the Federation of Trade Unions two years ago in order to implement the task set by the President of the Republic Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the 2020 Address – to plant more than 2 billion trees in the forest fund and 16 million in settlements within 5 years. The Petropavlovsk ProfiPark is located on the territory of the current park of the First President on an area of 3.17 hectares.

“The task of the project is to involve members of labor collectives in solving environmental problems. The labor collectives taking part in the breakdown of the park took responsibility for the safety of the planted fir trees. Members of primary trade union organizations support ProfiPark, understand that it is being created to introduce the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle and contributes to the development of the ecology of the city of Petropavlovsk,” said Zhanat Zhumabek, a specialist of the Territorial Association of Trade Unions.

So far, 105 Siberian fir trees have been planted on three alleys of Profipark during joint actions of trade union youth and veterans. Each such action, veterans of the trade union movement admit, is a concern for the younger generation, strengthening the relationship between members of trade union organizations, the elderly and youth.

Veteran of the trade union movement Valery Stanislavovich Lopatko, 40 years of life, who gave his life to protecting the rights and interests of employees of enterprises in his region, noted the relevance and significance of the initiatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“On behalf of veterans, I want to thank the trade union leaders and activists for the invitation to participate in the implementation of such a project.  We, veterans, are impressed by the innovative activity of the Federation of Trade Unions, because today’s project is not only ecology, it is also the education of the unity of generations, the people as a whole. In addition, I believe that the idea of justice, laid down in the Address of the Head of State, is the main one in the activities of trade unions, because no one fights for justice in social and labor relations like us (trade unions),” Valery Lopatko said.

Chairman of the FTURK Satybaldy Dauletalin thanked the veteran for the warm words of support and noted the role of trade union veterans in educating working youth and preserving the basic principles of the trade union movement.

“Dear veterans, you have laid the foundation that today allows us to confidently promote initiatives to create decent conditions and pay for the country’s workers. By participating in trade union actions, you continue to take care of future generations. Two years ago, we adopted the Strategy “In Unity to Justice development”, which echoes the initiatives voiced by the country’s leadership, and unites the older and younger generations of trade union members in the name of making truly fair decisions in relation to the Person of Labor. Together we will continue to promote the principles of social justice,” Satybaldy Dauletalin told the participants of the action in Profipark.

Meanwhile, trade union parks are already being broken up in two regions of the country – North Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions. The project is under development in Mangistau and Kostanay regions. The environmental project “ProfiPark” is permanent, so in the near future it will find its continuation in other regions of the country, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is confident.

Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan