As part of the Republican campaign “How do you live, primary?”, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tinikeev met with members of the primary trade union organization of the Kirovskaya mine, Altyn Komir Service LLP.

Kirovskaya mine is one of the oldest mines of the Karaganda coal basin, which was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree for selfless work on the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Recall that in 2020, the Kirovskaya mine was on the verge of bankruptcy, on November 3, 2020, the issue “On ways to implement the anti-crisis action plan and settlement of the labor conflict of Altyn Komir service LLP” became the subject of discussion at a meeting of the Karaganda regional Tripartite Commission on Social Partnership and Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.

Despite the obvious industry crisis and the difficult economic situation in all spheres of the economy, thanks to effective social partnership and clear actions of the management of Altyn Komir Service LLP, this situation has changed dramatically for the better.

So, at present, 8 sites are stably operating at the mine, including 1 mining, 1 tunneling and 6 auxiliary, coal mining is underway on the K-10, K-12 formations. The monthly production capacity of the enterprise has increased to 25-30 tons of coal.

Trade union leader of the coal enterprise, Honorary Miner, holder of three degrees of the Miner’s Glory badge Vitaly Shuitsev informed the participants of the meeting that on May 26 this year a new collective agreement was adopted at the Altyn Komir Service LLP, where the administration assumed a number of obligations in terms of social guarantees to employees, more than stipulated by labor legislation. So, together with the trade union, the company pays 50% of the costs to employees for sanitary and resort treatment; coal is provided to those living in the private sector at a discounted price with free delivery to their place of residence; uninterrupted operation of buses for the delivery of miners to work shifts and back home on 7 routes and other social guarantees is organized.

Currently, taking into account the economic situation at the Kirovskaya mine, the wages of employees have doubled, so today the wages of a mining worker of a cleaning face and a sinker are 450-500 thousand tenge per month.

At the meeting, members of the trade union organization raised the most pressing issue, namely, the reduction of the retirement age, since at the moment the average age of employees at the enterprise is 58-59 years, which affects not only the efficiency of work, but also the health of miners who work daily in difficult and especially dangerous working conditions.

Sayash Akhmetov spoke about the situation of industrial injuries in the Karaganda region and separately reflected the situation at the enterprise, so over the past period of 2022, 3 accidents occurred in Altyn Komir Service LLP.

The company employs 6 public technical labor inspectors, as well as according to the collective agreement, additional payments are provided to public technical labor protection inspectors.

Mikhail Nikiforov stressed the significant shortage of qualified production personnel, due to the decline in the prestige of working professions, including miners, and noted the need to address human labor issues.

Mukhtar Tinikeev, summarizing the meeting with the miners-colleagues of his native Kirovskaya mine, where he worked for many years as a mining worker of the treatment face, foreman of the integrated brigade of mining site №4, expressed gratitude for their not easy and not appreciated work, informed the members of the labor mining collective about the work of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the promotion of issues of annual indexation of wages of employees, on the introduction of legislative initiatives to improve the welfare of working people, the solution of their expressed wishes.

In order to provide real assistance in solving the issues of labor collectives, Mukhtar Tinikeev also called on the trade union committees of mines and industrial enterprises to actively nominate trade union leaders – miners and metallurgists to elected authorities.

As for the issue of lowering the retirement age for miners, Mukhtar Tinikeev noted that the issue has not been removed from the Federation’s agenda, work on its practical solution continues with the involvement of deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the Working Group.

Mukhtar Tinikeev also said that at the initiative of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the General Agreement included norms on mandatory wage indexation, on raising the minimum wage, on preferential retirement for specialists from List №1 and List №2, on ratification of the 131 ILO Convention “On Minimum Wages”.

At the end of the online meeting, coal industry veterans, the operator of chemical water treatment of the boiler house, a representative of the labor dynasty working in the Kirovskaya mine for more than 70 years, Natalia Martynova and the miner of the conveyor transport section of the Kirovskaya mine, Altyn Komir Service LLP, Vladimir Redkin, were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Trade Union Center of the Karaganda region.

Mukhtar Tinikeev wished the miners good health, a strong roof, safe work and decent wages.

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