Today, within the framework of the Action “How are you, primary?” initiated by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a meeting of the labor collective of the State Enterprise “Oskemen Vodokanal” with the first Deputy Chairman of the FTURK Mukhtar Tinikeev and the chairman of the branch trade union of workers of the construction complex and housing and communal services Kusein Yesengazin took place.

Deputy Director Assel Ospanova familiarized the participants with the activities of the enterprise, said that currently housing and communal services is a socially significant and system-forming industry.

The enterprise “Oskemen Vodokanal” serves networks and structures of water supply and sanitation located throughout the territory of the regional center, as well as districts and settlements under administrative subordination. The company maintains 9 water intake facilities with an installed capacity of 293.5 thousand cubic meters/day, more than 517 km of sewerage networks, 49 sewage pumping stations and sewage treatment plants with an installed capacity of 112 thousand cubic meters/day are involved in the drainage system.

The released chairman of the primary trade union organization Irina Budilovskaya reported that currently the total number of employees at the enterprise is 783 people, 88% of whom are in a trade union organization, i.e. 686 working members of the trade union and 368 retired veterans of the trade union organization.

According to her, despite the difficult financial situation at the enterprise, the provisions of the collective agreement are being implemented in full. The trade union committee of the organization, in turn, provides legal assistance to employees of the enterprise, conducts cultural and mass work, work is underway to improve the health of workers, trade union members are members of the Conciliation Commission and the Production Council.

At the same time, using the dialogue platform, the chairman of the regional branch of the industry trade union, Yakov Shvets, told about the urgent problems at the enterprise and in the industry. According to him, due to economically unjustified tariffs for housing and communal services, the ban on the provision of services on one-time applications for individuals and legal entities, the company’s financial condition worsens from year to year, as a result of which it is unable to improve living conditions, a guaranteed social package of employees. For the same reason, the company is not able to index the salary level, which leads to a large turnover of qualified personnel. Another important issue for industry workers was raised by the trade union – this is the payment of social benefits for temporary disability, the amount of which and the monthly limit is set at no more than 15 MCI, which is 47 thousand tenge. According to the trade union leader, it is necessary to initiate a revision of this provision of the law with the assignment of expenses to the State Social Insurance Fund.

After hearing the problematic issues, First Deputy Chairman of the FTURK Mukhtar Tinikeev noted that trade unions are in favor of ensuring decent wages in the country. Thus, in accordance with the Address of the Head of State, a long-standing initiative of trade unions to develop a methodology for determining the minimum wage is being implemented, thereby supporting the position of trade unions on this issue.

In his opinion, due to the inflationary processes in the country, the Labor Code should fix the norm on the annual indexation of wages.

He familiarized the trade union members in detail with the key areas of work of the FTURK to improve the social well-being of employees and voiced the proposals that the Federation of Trade Unions submitted to the working group to consider amendments to the Labor Code. In addition, he stressed that the issue of payment of social benefits for temporary disability will also be submitted to the working group to consider amendments to the Labor Code.

At the end of the meeting, the moderator of the event – Chairman of the Trade Union Center of East Kazakhstan Temirbek Kasymzhanov thanked all participants for their active position and emotional speeches during the meeting.

TOP “Trade Union Center of East Kazakhstan Region” of the EKOF branch trade union of workers of the construction complex and housing and communal services