As part of the educational marathon of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a seminar on safety and labor protection was held for the trade union activists of the East Kazakhstan and Abay regions.

Opening the seminar, the project coordinator, deputy director of the Department of organizational and control work of the FPRK Lyazzat Yeszhanova noted the relevance of issues of ensuring safety and labor protection at enterprises, which are one of the key activities of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She reminded the participants that 2023 has been declared the Year of Safe Work by the Federation.

During the seminar, Marat Imash, the chief expert of the Committee on SEA and JV FPRK, explained the issues of labor protection and safety, legal acts regulating relations on OSH issues, incl. rights and obligations of the employer and employee to comply with OSH requirements, rules for training and testing knowledge on labor protection issues, etc.

Separately, the speaker dwelled on the Action Plan of the Federation of Trade Unions in the Year of Safe Work.

He said that in the light of increasing the level of safety and strengthening labor protection in the Federation of Trade Unions, it is conducting a trade union analysis on the state of industrial injuries in the country, developing roadmaps to reduce industrial injuries at enterprises and formulating proposals for improving legislation in this area.

Along with this, the FPR K will hold a review competition “The best trade union organization leader in the field of safe labor-2023”, the action “A single day without injuries”, the information campaign “Safe work”, as well as the republican competition for the title “The best technical inspector for labor protection     Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2023”.

Marat Imash called on trade union organizations of the regions to take an active part in the actions and competitions of the Federation of Trade Unions.

The seminar was continued by Hanseit Bohlen, Head of the Department of the Committee for Social and Economic Relations and Social Partnership of the FPRK, who presented the topic: “Accounting and Investigation of Industrial Accidents”.

During the training, the lecturer informed the participants about the state of industrial injuries in the country.

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2022, 1,232 accidents occurred at the enterprises of the republic, as a result of which 1,465 people were injured, of which 203 were fatal.

According to him, the number of accidents decreased from 1,297 to 1,232, or 5% compared to 2021.

The participants of the educational marathon were provided with the necessary information about the categories of accidents at work, their causes, the procedure for investigation, the obligations of the employer, the composition and work of the investigation commission.

The listeners of the online seminar acquired productive knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety and, in the future, intend to apply them in their work.

Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan