The visit of the representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan to the capital of Kazakhstan continued with a meeting with the leaders of the Kazakhstan branch trade unions.

Opening the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Uteshev noted that the development of trade union education is one of the priorities of the Council of Trade Unions of the Central Asian countries.

He recalled that modern trade union work to protect the rights and interests of workers requires high professionalism and competence of trade union personnel. As Nurlan Uteshev emphasized, today the Federation of Trade Unions is implementing a number of educational projects on a systematic basis, which cover a wide range of topical issues of daily activities of trade union activists.

At a meeting with colleagues from Kazakhstan, Vice-Rector of the Trade Union Academy of Labor and Social Relations Abdukhalil Atamatov and Head of the Department for Education Kazim Akhundzhanov presented the activities of the university and spoke about the features of trade union education within the walls of the Academy.

The Academy of Labor and Social Relations, which began its activities in September 2022, is a non-governmental educational organization. Education is conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English on a paid-contract basis. The main goal of the organization is the training of qualified personnel in popular professions, areas and specialties in the field of labor and social relations using modern innovative and scientific and pedagogical technologies, the latest achievements of science and technology.

Trade union leaders of sectoral trade unions expressed support for the initiatives of Uzbek colleagues in promoting trade union education and voiced a number of proposals for the development of cooperation in this direction.

Speaking about the benefits and effectiveness of trade union training, Aliya Abiyeva, Deputy Chairman of the Kazakhstan Sectoral Trade Union of Education, Science and Higher Education Workers, proposed organizing short-term advanced training courses and master classes for trade union personnel.

The exchange of experience in this format, in her opinion, will give a new impetus to the work of trade unions and will be a new step in strengthening the potential of the Central Asian trade union movement.

In particular, Orazbek Bekbas, Chairman of the Kazakhstan branch trade union of power engineers, taking into account the specifics of trade union work in his industry, noted the importance of improving the skills of new trade union leaders, technical inspectors and accountants of trade union organizations.

According to him, the educational work of the sectoral trade union today is concentrated on these areas.

Interest in the training of specialists in labor protection and safety, in turn, was also expressed by the chairman of the Trade Union of the construction complex and housing and communal services Kusein Yesengazin.

According to him, today in the labor market of Kazakhstan there is a shortage of labor protection specialists with specialized education.

As a result of the discussion, the meeting participants noted the expediency of developing special educational programs covering the needs and specifics of individual industries, as well as their unification in accordance with the national norms of the legislation of the SPECA countries.