Today, in ZOOM-conference mode, the first meeting of the deputy group “Enbek” of the Kostanay regional maslikhat was held.

The purpose of creating this group, in the structure of the Kostanay regional maslikhat, is to implement and implement the directions of the Roadmap of the Election Program of the Party “AMANAT” “Together with the people!” and the Election Platform of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan “15 Steps to a Social State in Kazakhstan”.

The most pressing issues of society are requests for decent and fair wages, social security, safe working conditions.

Chairman of the deputy group Bulgatsevich Tatiana Borisovna – Chairman of the Branch Trade Union of Health Workers “SENIM” voiced 4 appeals from medical workers working in state institutions on the issue of the lack of an identical salary increase as employees of health care organizations.

This issue was considered at the first meeting of the “Enbek” deputy group. Members of the deputy group discussed a number of issues related to increasing the correction factor for medical workers working in other budgetary organizations, remuneration of categories of employees not related to civil servants, lack of funding for health care organizations to provide workwear, etc. All issues have been considered and accepted into operation.

In addition, the meeting approved the Work Plan of the deputy group “Enbek” for 2023.

The work was attended by Irina Aronova, Chairman of the TOP “Trade Union Center of Kostanay Region and Chairman of the Deputy Faction of the NGO “Party “AMANAT” in Kostanay Regional Maslikhat Bibigul Akkozhina.