During his working trip to Akmola region, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin met with the labor collective of the crop enterprise – Zhanazhol-Agro LLP of Atameken rural district of Burabay district.

Agricultural formation, created eight years ago, is engaged in the production of grain and legumes. This is a small but efficient enterprise, of which there are dozens in the grain-growing region of Akmola region. 8 employees work in LLP, all of them are members of the trade union.

The chairman of the FPRK came to the agricultural workers for arable land.

As Yerbol Kapezov, head of Zhanazhol-Agro LLP, said, the main problem of farmers is the inefficient distribution of agricultural land plots.

“When distributing land plots, unfortunately, it turned out that right in the middle of our hectares there was a plot of 200 hectares allocated to other people. The inconveniences of this for work are obvious. I appealed to the district commission of the Department of Agriculture and Land Relations, they are still silent,” said the head of the LLP.

Meanwhile, as practice shows, the distribution of land plots in the region was repeatedly accompanied by disputes and even litigation, there were cases where several owners claimed the same land plot after the decision of the distribution commission.

Satybaldy Dauletalin noted that the land issue in one of the main granary of Kazakhstan in Akmola region is vital for the rural population. Therefore, the Federation of Trade Unions is ready to discuss with social partners in Astana measures to resolve the land issue.

“We are ready to contact the Ministry of Agriculture to resolve issues arising on land. People who grow bread deserve the closest attention to both the organization of their workspace and the creation of favorable working conditions. Artificially created obstacles should not be allowed to affect the food security of the country as a whole,” Satybaldy Dauletalin stressed.

According to him, the work of people working on earth should be protected by all parties to social partnership.

“The main value of the state is the people of labor. In order for fresh bread to always be on the tables of Kazakhstanis, it is necessary to ennoble the work of these people. For our Federation, the most important priority is to protect the rights and interests of each trade union member and especially villagers,” said the Chairman of the FPRK.

Meanwhile, the employees of Zhanazhol-Agro LLP intend to finish sowing their lands, to provide all possible technical assistance to neighboring agricultural enterprises – so far not all farmers in the region have enough equipment and workers.

“We don’t leave each other in trouble. If we are asked for help from a neighboring peasant farm, we provide equipment, we ourselves go to plow and sow in their fields. And how without it? Our land is fertile, we need to help everyone get a harvest,” the farmers say.

By the way, the gross grain harvest from 600 hectares of land of Zhanazhol-Agro LLP averages 1500 tons, with the highest yields in the region from 25 to 47 centners per hectare.


Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan