During his working trip to Akmola region, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin visited the Construction and Technological College of Kokshetau, where he got acquainted with the training program for students in working specialties, met with the labor collective and discussed the development of social and partnership relations in the educational institution. As part of the delegation, the Head of the FPRK was accompanied by Chairman of the Republican Branch Trade Union of Workers of Education, Higher Education and Science – Deputy Chairman of the FPRK Aigul Mukasheva, Chairman of the Territorial Association of Trade Unions of Akmola region Kali Rakhmetov.

Over the 61 years of its existence, the college has released more than 20,000 specialists in demanded working professions to the labor market. Of the 32 secondary specialized educational institutions of Akmola region, the Construction and Technology College is the leading in training within the framework of the Zhas Maman program in specializations – “food organization”, “maintenance, repair and operation of electromechanical equipment”, “welding”, “construction and operation of buildings and structures”, “digital equipment”, “decorative and applied arts and crafts”.

“The question for the specialists prepared by our college is growing every year. Thus, with a contingent of 460 students planned at the beginning of the school year, 627 people currently receive vocational education. 80 percent of our graduates are employed immediately after graduation. The Zhas Maman state program helps a lot in training specialists. Thanks to its implementation, educational equipment and classes worth more than 360 million tenge have been updated,” said Yerlan Begaydarov, director of the college.

The chairman of the FPRK inspected the classrooms equipped with modern equipment and technologies, where he talked to students. According to students, many of them are already undergoing practical training at enterprises and almost all have received an invitation to work after graduation.

During a meeting with the college staff, the chairman of the trade union committee Larisa Sbitneva spoke about the activities of the trade union organization and relations with a social partner. According to her, 77 college employees are members of the trade union, last year a new collective agreement for 2022-2025 was concluded.

“Meetings of the trade union committee are held every month. We consider all issues received from trade union members together with the college management. We constantly carry out explanatory work among employees,” the chairman of the trade union committee shared.

Answering questions from colleagues-teachers, Chairman of the Republican Branch Trade Union of Workers of Education, Higher Education and Science – Deputy Chairman of the FPRK Aigul Mukasheva spoke about joint activities with social partners on the revision of the Rules for Attestation of Teachers.

“Acending a member of the working group under the relevant ministry, our trade union promotes issues of simplifying the Rules for the certification of teachers. We believe that the certification process should encourage teachers to improve their skills, and not discourage the desire to develop their competencies,” said Aigul Mukasheva.

Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin thanked the staff of the college for the effective organization of the educational process and noted the special importance of the work of teachers in training specialists in working professions.

“The professionalism of future employees of enterprises in many industries depends on the contribution of each of you. Education of working youth, instilling professional skills in future specialists, the very attitude to work – all this is laid within the walls of educational institutions. The Federation of Trade Unions pays special attention to the training of specialists in working professions, it is they who create benefits for the whole society with their own hands. And in this process there is a huge role of our teachers. Therefore, by ennobling your work, trade unions also contribute to the development of human capital and the country’s economy,” Chairman of the FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin summed up the meeting.

Already saying goodbye to the students and teachers of the College of Construction and Technology, the Chairman of the FPRK, in order to support the creativity of students engaged in the specialty “decorative and applied arts and folk crafts”, purchased their creative works for the FPRK office. The authors of felt and colored thread paintings are 3rd year students Dilnaz Mazhitova and Evgenia Velitsina. Satybaldy Dauletalin wished talented girls inspiration and success on their creative path.


Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan