Within the framework of working visit to Zhetysu oblast Chairman of Trade Unions Federation of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin met with oblast Maslikhat Chairperson Gulnar Toilibayeva and deputy group on protection of social and labor rights and development of social partnership “Enbek” of oblast Maslikhat.

In addition, it should be noted that “Enbek” deputy groups in oblast maslikhats are set up on the initiative of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The legal basis for the establishment of a deputy group is the RK Constitution, Presidential Decree No. 704 of 3 December 2013 ‘On Approval of the Model Maslikhat Regulations’, the Labour Code, the Law ‘On Trade Unions’ and other regulatory legal acts.

“We are ready to cooperate with trade unions to solve the most urgent social and labour issues, so we supported your proposal to create a deputy group in the maslikhat to protect social and labour rights and develop social partnerships. Very recently we have discussed the problems of the Man of Labour with members of the Government at the Amanat forum of Maslikhat deputies. In addition, a Council for Cooperation with Representatives of Local Governments has been established under the Senate, where we intend to raise these issues. The President of the country also supports the activities of trade unions. For our part, we are ready to work together with trade unions both within the deputy group and in the maslikhat as a whole,” said Gulnar Toylibayeva, Chairperson of Zhetysu oblast maslikhat, introducing members of the “Enbek” deputy group.

By all accounts, the deputy group consists of six members of the oblast’s representative body. The group consists of Arystangali Aryn from Amanat, Yermek Yeginbaev from Akzhol, and Sekenbai Shengelbaev, chairman of the working group of the maslikhat. – The group includes heads of party factions Amanat, Ermek Eginbaev; maslikhat working group chairman Sekenbai Shengelbaev; maslikhat deputy from the People’s Party of Kazakhstan Kakharman Zhaksylyk; maslikhat deputy-chairman of territorial trade union association of oblast Aset Kydymanov and maslikhat deputy Rimma Salykova.

“The composition is strong and diverse. We intend to expand our ranks in order to solve the problems of social and labour sphere more effectively”, Aset Kydymanov said.

The chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, Satybaldy Dauletalin, thanked the representatives of the regional maslikhat for supporting the trade union initiative and highlighted a number of topical issues for joint activities.

“The common goal in the joint activities of the trade unions and the maslikhats is to improve the welfare of the people of labour. Despite the fact that trade unions did not directly participate in the last elections to the Maslikhats and Majilis, the Federation of Trade Unions adopted a pre-election programme “15 Steps to Building a Just Kazakhstan”. We presented our position to political parties and expressed readiness to implement it jointly. Our proposals were supported by Amanat and the People’s Party of Kazakhstan. About two thousand trade union leaders and activists participated in elections by party lists and single-mandate districts. 400 out of them were elected deputies of maslikhats of all levels. It is time to implement pre-election promises. Our position is to promote social justice for the Man of Labour”, stressed the Chairman of the FTURK.

Satybaldy Dauletalin outlined a number of trade union initiatives proposed to the social partners for joint implementation.

“Among the problems requiring a systemic solution by amending the legislation on wages: the annual mandatory indexation of wages to the inflation rate, the ratification of ILO Convention 131, the development of a methodology for the formation of the minimum wage. An equally important issue is ensuring safe working conditions. Together with the trade unions, the Ministry of Labour has developed a draft Concept of Safe Labour until 2030, which envisages a transition from a compensation model to a risk-oriented one. I am confident that the potential of trade unions and maslikhats in the regions will enable us to jointly achieve a positive solution to these and other issues of relevance to the Man of Labour”, said the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan.

Meanwhile, the initiative to set up the Enbek deputy group was supported in almost all regions of the country. At present, the question of creating such a deputy group is also being discussed with people’s elected representatives in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.