On Wednesday, July 26, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Satybaldy Dauletalin, a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.

The meeting reviewed the most important achievements and immediate plans of the Federation of Trade Unions in the field of development of international cooperation.

Welcoming colleagues, Chairman of the FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin shared the long-awaited news about the official confirmation of the full membership of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the International Confederation of Trade Unions.

Recall that in November 2022, within the framework of the V Congress of the ITUC, at a meeting of the General Council in Melbourne, a decision was made to restore the membership of the FPRK in the International Trade Union Confederation.

In his letter addressed to the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Satybaldy Dauletalin, the Acting General Secretary of the ITUC, Luke Triingle, highly appreciated the Federation’s efforts in support of freedom of association in Kazakhstan and confirmed the decision to accept it as a member of an international organization.

“I look forward to the opportunity to continue talking with you about how you can play your part in the global trade union family. In particular, you will be able to fully participate in the ITUC General Secretary nomination process and in the Virtual Extraordinary Congress on 12 October, as well as in the PERC General Assembly in Brussels on 5 December. I have been impressed by your interactions with us over the past few months and we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your re-establishment in the international trade union movement, which will be of mutual benefit to both your members and the ITUC as a whole.” the text of the letter.

The ITUC plans to officially announce this decision to the international trade union movement at the meeting of the General Council in September this year.

Congratulating his colleagues on this historic event, Satybaldy Dauletalin thanked all the affiliated organizations of the Federation of Trade Unions for their contribution to the common victory.

“We have restored full membership in the International Trade Union Confederation. This was preceded by the painstaking and consistent work of the Federation and its member organizations. We went step by step towards the goal by introducing democratic changes in intra-union activities, promoting trade union initiatives based on international standards at the level of social partnership and negotiating with foreign partners. All these measures brought the expected results and made it possible to demonstrate the desire of the Federation to strengthen and develop the international trade union dialogue in the interests of workers,” the Chairman of the FPRK emphasized.

Members of the Executive Committee noted the historical significance of the entry of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the largest international trade union organization, emphasizing the special merits of the leadership of the Federation in increasing the authority of Kazakhstani trade unions in the international arena.

After discussing the issue of restoring the membership of the FPRK in the ITUC, the members of the Executive Committee approved the initiative to create the Organization of Trade Unions of Turkic Countries.

According to the Chairman of the FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin, in order to consolidate actions to protect the social, labor, professional, economic rights and interests of workers, the National Trade Union Centers of the five Turkic states – Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan expressed their intention to sign an Agreement on the creation of a new structure.

For the first time, this issue was initiated by the Kazakh side and has been repeatedly discussed over the course of several years.

“From year to year our states strengthen cooperation in political, economic, cultural and other spheres. Trade unions should not remain aloof from these processes. Today it is important to increase the potential for cooperation and open up new opportunities in protecting the rights of workers to decent work, decent life and social justice,” said the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Satybaldy Dauletalin said that the Federation of Trade Unions received an invitation to sign the Agreement, which is scheduled for July 28-31 in Baku. At the same time, the Head of the FPRK called on his colleagues to take a consolidated decision on this issue.

During the discussion, members of the FPRK Executive Committee supported the initiative to create a new international structure in the light of expanding the horizons of cooperation to achieve common goals.

The chairman of the Kazakhstan branch trade union of workers of education, science and higher education Aigul Mukasheva and the chairman of the branch trade union of workers of the chemical, petrochemical and related industries Kerim Primkulov, speaking about the importance of cooperation, reported on their fruitful experience of interaction with Turkish trade unions at the level of branch international structures.

Svetlana Imankulova, chairman of the sectoral trade union of workers of culture, sports, tourism and information, Sultan Kaliyev, chairman of the sectoral trade union of the oil and gas complex, Orazbek Bekbas, chairman of the sectoral trade union of power engineers, Mirbolat Zhakypov, chairman of the sectoral trade union center of the Pavlodar region Dinara Aitzhanova and other members of the Executive Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the end of the meeting of the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin, addressing the representatives of the affiliated organizations of the Federation – members of the Executive Committee, noted that the decisions taken today will allow to continue the purposeful implementation of the Strategy of the Federation of Trade Unions for 2020-2025 “In Unity for Justice and Development”.


Media Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan