Dear Kasym-Zhomart Kemelevich!

On behalf of two million trade Union members, we congratulate You on your confident victory in the early elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

The Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing all sectors of the economy and social sphere in all regions of the country, is confident that Kazakhstan will continue the course of priority social development and a balanced socio-political process aimed at improving the well-being of society.

Trade unions are confident that following the continuity of the laid strategic path of the Elbasy, our country will take its rightful place in the world community.

We are convinced that today, at the new stage of development of the country, the well-being of every Kazakh family and society depends on the equal participation of the parties of social partnership in all spheres of life and activity of the state. Today, the Institute of social partnership is the guarantor of achieving stability of social and political life of Kazakhstan.

The Federation of trade unions of Kazakhstan is confident that You, Kasym-Zhomart Kemelevich, as Head of state, will provide full support to the country’s trade unions in solving social and economic issues, ensuring the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as in improving the welfare of the population.

The Federation of trade unions of Kazakhstan believes that the Government and state bodies should take a set of measures to improve the socio-economic policy of the state.

We consider it important, as a matter of priority, to ratify a number of conventions of the International labour Organization — No. 102 “On minimum standards of social security”, No. 131 “On the establishment of minimum wages with special regard to developing countries”, No. 154 “On the promotion of collective bargaining”, No. 175 “On part-time work”, No. 184 “On safety and health in agriculture”.

Ratification of the above ILO conventions will contribute to the improvement of labor and social legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, increase the legal protection and guarantees of workers of all categories.

It is also necessary to revise the indicator of calculation of wages of employees of the public sector, which will subsequently provide decent wages to civil servants.

In Kazakhstan, there is a high level of occupational injuries, in connection with which it is necessary to develop a state (government) program “Safe work”, as well as a comprehensive plan to reduce occupational injuries, the introduction of a system of occupational safety management, assessment of occupational risks.

Labour legislation needs to be improved in terms of implementing a system of occupational safety management, strengthening the role of accident prevention, simplifying procedures for submitting workers ‘ claims and conducting conciliation procedures, and making collective agreements mandatory.

We are confident that the joint efforts of trade unions, the government and employers in the implementation of these tasks will ensure social justice and decent working conditions in Kazakhstan.



Adopted at the meeting of the General Council

Federation of trade unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

from 12 June 2019

Nur-Sultan city