On June 24, 2019, after a series of explosions in military warehouses in Arys, Turkestan region, the Federation of trade unions of Kazakhstan, assessing the situation, sent an Appeal to all trade Union organizations, employers, the business community to help the victims.
On the same day the Federation of trade unions of the RK was created the headquarters for the assistance to victims in the town of Arys.
The territorial Association of trade unions in the Turkestan region has opened a special account for the transfer of collected funds from all regions to assist the victims and determines the daily need for additional assistance.
In all regions, the chairmen of the territorial associations of trade unions held meetings of coordination councils with the participation of heads of primary trade Union organizations and enterprises, where they discussed the provision of necessary assistance (one-day wages and other means).
The staff of the Federation of trade unions of Kazakhstan, as well as subordinate organizations and trade Union organizations, collected financial assistance in the amount of one-day wages of employees.
The Youth Council of FPRK “KELESHEK”is connected to organizational work.
Also, on June 24, 2019 in the building of the House of trade unions of Shymkent were placed about 100 people from the city of Arys and provided with the necessary food and bedding.
In the future, FPRK is ready to provide additional places for sanatorium treatment in the resort and sanatorium complexes “Merke” in Zhambyl region and “shchuchinsky” in Akmola region.