The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev announced at the official ceremony of taking office that improving the welfare of the population is the main task.

In this connection, at the next meeting of the interdepartmental Commission, on July 19 this year, under the chairmanship of akim of North Kazakhstan region K. Aksakalov, the issues of measures taken to increase the income of the population were considered.

At the meeting with information on the work of trade unions to increase wages to workers in the enterprises of the region made the Chairman of the trade Center of SKO E. Nurakaev. In his speech, he noted that the trade unions of the region are actively involved in the work to implement the priorities of the country. Currently, an inventory of collective agreements is being carried out, during which special attention is paid to their content and quality content. In signed 4795 collective agreements, representing 84.2 per cent, while the average national rate of 41.6. In organizations with trade Union participation, the conclusion of the CD is 100%, the content of which includes a wide range of additional benefits and guarantees that increase the social responsibility of the employer. E. Nurakayev gave concrete examples of the advantages of collective agreements of a number of organizations in various sectors of the economy. He also noted that with the state labour Inspectorate, a Plan of joint activities was developed, meetings were held with employers and chairmen of trade Union committees of engineering enterprises, which supported the proposal to increase wages by 10-15% and are currently amending collective agreements.

As a result of the meeting of the Commission, an instruction was given to carry out similar information and explanatory work to increase the wages of workers at agricultural enterprises to the sectoral level of the average monthly wage in the region, with the conclusion of additional agreements to the collective agreements until August 10 this year.

The implementation of the tasks is under control.