The working visit of the Member of the Committee on Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the VI convocation Aizada Kurmanova in the Pavlodar region continued in Zhelezinsky district of Pavlodar region.
In the meetings of the deputy with the public of the villages of Zhana Zhuldyz, Eskara, Zhelezinka and Valikhanovo station, the akim of the Zhelezinsky district Kanat Kashkirov and the chairman of the Trade Union Center of Pavlodar region, deputy of the regional maslikhat Dinara Aytzhanova took part.
In her speech, Aizada Kurmanova clarified the provision of the new Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amending and Adding to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Improvement of Criminal, Criminal Procedure Laws and Enhancing the Protection of Personal Rights”, which strengthened the responsibility for rape, poaching, bestiality, distribution drugs, encroachment on the life of the inspector for the protection of flora and fauna, huntsman service, drunk driving.
“The newly adopted Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan“ On the status of a teacher ”not only increased the salaries of teachers, but also protected the status of a teacher,” said the deputy. – It is necessary to review all the composition of the commissions, where to exclude teachers, since they should be exempted from functions unusual for them. Those managers who have not complied with this requirement of the Law will be fined. The teacher must have free time to improve their qualifications.
From January 1, 2020, every working resident of Kazakhstan must insure his health by paying monthly contributions to the Social Health Insurance Fund in the amount of 1 percent of the salary (or 10 minimum wage). Other sizes of payments are set for individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms, private practitioners – 5 percent of 1.4 MW, working under GPC agreements – 1 percent of income (or 10 MW). Independent payers pay 5 percent of 1 wage. The state makes payments in the amount of 1, 4% of the minimum wage for 15 privileged categories of citizens: children; non-working pregnant women; unemployed persons raising a child until he reaches three years of age; persons on leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, adoption or adoption of a newborn child, as well as caring for a child until he reaches three years of age; mothers of many children awarded with pendants “Altyn alka”, “Kumis alka”. Employers pay 2 percent of the payroll. Particular explanatory work must be carried out with the self-employed, whose number is around 34%, they must pay a single aggregate payment and confirm their status.
Since 2020, targeted social assistance has been directed to help children from low-income families. The state allowance is paid to all large families with four or more minor children or full-time students under the age of 23, regardless of their income. Its size depends on the number of children.
The value of the subsistence minimum for Kazakhstanis is 31 183 tenge. The minimum wage is 42,500 tenge. Monthly calculated indicator (MCI) 2 651 tenge.
The amount of lump sum payments at the birth of a child increased. At the birth of the first and subsequent two children, one-time state assistance will amount to 38 MCI – 100,738 tenge. For the birth of the fourth and subsequent children, the lump sum payment will increase to 63 MCI, which will be 167 013 tenge.
Monthly benefits for caring for a child up to a year for non-working women will be: for the first – 15 276 tenge (5.76 MCI), for the second – 18 061 tenge (6.81 MCI), for the third – 20 819 tenge (7.85 MCI ), for the fourth and more – 23,603 tenge (8.9 MCI). The size of the monthly state allowance for mothers with many children, awarded with pendants “Altyn alka”, “Kumis alka” or previously awarded the title “Mother Heroine”, awarded the orders “Mother Glory” of I and II degrees, paid regardless of income, will be 16 973 tenge.
Since January 1, 2020, the size of state social benefits for disability, in case of loss of a bread-winner, has been increased by 5% due to a change in the cost of living. Since January 1, 2020, the sizes of state social benefits for disability from a general disease range from 32,431 tenge to 59,872 tenge, depending on the disability group. The benefits for survivors will be from 26,818 tenge to 65,797 tenge, depending on the number of dependents. Moreover, orphans will receive 36,796 tenge for each, but no more than 79,829 tenge for all disabled family members.
In accordance with the law “On the republican budget for 2020 – 2022” in Kazakhstan from January 1, 2020 increased pensions, social benefits and benefits.
In order to improve the conditions for the development of small business, including micro-entrepreneurship, in the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2023, a moratorium on inspections and preventive control and supervision with visits to small businesses, including micro-enterprises, was introduced.
When meeting with residents in the village of Eskara, where the number of residents is more than 500 people, the meeting participants spoke about the prospects for the development of the village, the need to build new houses, overhaul the school, attract specialists, solve the problem of public transport, conduct Internet and cellular communications, and repair feldsher-midwife station.
All the issues raised by the villagers at the meeting were taken under special control by the akim of the Zhelezinsky district.