About Youth Council « Keleshek »
The Federation of Trade Unions pays special attention to systematic work on strengthening and activating the youth policy of trade unions. Effective youth policy means building a system of youth councils and regular participation of young people in collective actions and solidarity actions.
Responding to the challenges of the time, the Youth Council of the FTURK was established in a completely new format, consisting from representatives of industrial and territorial trade unions.
In 2014, the Youth Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was renamed the Youth Council « Keleshek » of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
« Keleshek » -is the youth component of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is not a legal entity.
According to statistics on 01.01.2021, the number of trade union members under the age of 35 is 448,516 people. Representatives of the Youth Council «Keleshek» in 14 regions and the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent coordinate the implementation of the FTURK’s youth policy. The Chairman of the Youth Council «Keleshek» of FTURK is Khamitzhanova Dariya Khamitzhanovna (elected on November 30, 2019 at the meeting of the Youth Council «Keleshek»).
Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people through informing young people about their rights in the sphere of social and labor relations, education and professional training, and attracting young people to trade unions.
– protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people in the sphere of social and labor relations;
– training and promotion of young trade union leaders at all levels;
– popularization of youth trade union activities in the media, social networks;
– promoting self-organization of youth, implementation of innovative youth projects.
The mechanism for implementing the youth policy of the FTURK

Sectors of activity

In accordance with the FTURK Youth Policy Program for 2017-2020, a number of cultural and sports events for young people were held as part of the development of these sectors, including the Forums of working youth “Zhas kelse – iske”, Youth councils have been set up at Industrial trade unions and Trade Union centers, Trade union school “Keleshek” was established to train young trade union leaders, a book club “ProfBookClub” was founded for trade union members and their families. volunteer headquarters “Keleshek” to provide assistance to socially vulnerable categories, the Corporate Fund “KEA” (Kazakhstan En’bek Adamy) for the implementation of youth initiatives, memorandums and agreements were concluded with the Youth Wing “Zhas Otan” at the party “NurOtan”, ALE”Congress of Youth of Kazakhstan”.
Links to social networks of the Youth Council «Keleshek»: