On December 2, 2018, within the framework of the IV World Congress ITUC, the Opening Ceremony was held, at which L. Risgard LO President (Trade Unions of Denmark); L. Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark; F. Jensen, Mayor of Copenhagen; J.A. Felicio President of the ITUC; G. Reider, ILO Director General spoke.
In his welcoming speech, the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, noted that trade unions are the most peaceful organization whose activities are aimed at creating a just and non-conflict society. Our task, Mr. Prime Minister noted, is that “no one will remain on the platform when the train departs to the future.”
ITUC’s President, Yoao Felicio, drew the participants ’attention to issues of gender inequality,“ more women work in fragile sectors of the economy ”, are exposed to unfair treatment by“ negligent ”employers, often their rights are violated.
Guy Ryder, Director General of the International Labor Organization, speaking to the participants, said that “uniting the efforts of trade unions to achieve unity is our duty! Trade union organizations still have to show solidarity ” and called on all for unity. Speakers were accompanied by an interesting cultural program, special effects and ethnic music. “Let’s change the rules!” – political message of the participants of the ITUC World Congress.