On August 15, a training seminar for power engineers on occupational safety and health was held in Almaty. The seminar was organized by the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of power engineers, The training center of FPRK, with the participation of the TOP “trade Union center of Almaty”. Participants of the seminar were technical inspectors and trade Union leaders of primary organizations of the branch of the NGO “trade Union Almaty power plants” and the Local trade Union “Energy” in the amount of 30 people.

Lecturer of the seminar – Peresunko Alfiya karimovna, expert practitioner of labor and trade Union law.

The seminar addressed the issues of labor legislation in the field of safety and health, public administration in the field of safety and health; industrial and industrial safety; organization of production councils and the main functions of the technical inspector, with the analysis of specific examples from practice.

In connection with the order of FPRK to intensify work on training of specialists in labor protection, the seminar for power engineers is relevant and timely. The participants of the seminar received a lot of comments and suggestions on the practice of labor legislation in the field of labor protection. The role of trade Union organizations in the field of protection of social and labor rights of workers in the energy companies of Almaty was noted. All the questions were answered.

The Chairman of the Local trade Union “Energy” V. Sitdikov acquainted the participants with the provisions of the current Collective agreement of JSC “Almaty electric networks”, the winner of the Republican competitions, including “Paryz-2015”. In 2019 JSC “Ales” also takes part in the Competition on social responsibility of business “Paryz” in the nomination “Best collective agreement”.

At the end of the seminar, all participants received certificates of training and handouts prepared by the Training center of FPRK, including a Model provision on the technical inspector for labor protection at enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other materials, as well as the collective Agreement of JSC “Ales”, and a presentation on the theme of the seminar. In addition, all member organizations of the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of power engineers will be sent information in electronic form for further information and application in the work.