JSC “Petropavlovsk heavy engineering plant” is one of the largest machine — building enterprises in Kazakhstan, which produces equipment for the oil and gas industry. Currently, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the plant, passing a difficult test of strength, continues to produce products, does not allow production to decrease and release workers.

The company employs more than 800 people, all of whom are members of a trade Union organization. The rights and protection of labor Rights are the main priority of the trade Union. The main document of social partnership is a collective agreement containing a wide range of norms that improve the situation of employees in comparison with the current labor legislation. It is primarily the application of the raising factor to the wage paid in the amount of 1.15 for all employees, and industry factor in the amount of 1.1 to 1.18 to the rates of salary for employees whose functions are associated with harmful, heavy and dangerous work conditions, payment of remuneration by results of work for the year, etc.

The content of the collective agreement is reviewed by the parties as necessary and supplemented. Thus, in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection, taking into account the restrictions on the conduct of mass events, in accordance with the current legislation administration and the trade union committee of JSC «ZTPM» A joint decision has been taken to extend the validity of the collective agreement until the threat of COVID-19 sickness has ended. This once again confirms that the social partnership, the union’s interaction with the employer, manifests itself not in words, but in deeds.

The plant’s approach to personnel training is systematic and comprehensive. For this purpose, the company actively uses government programs to support and develop its business. Thus, within the Framework of the state program for the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship for 2017-2021 “Enbek”, the employer has organized training and advanced training courses for employees on the basis of its own training center.

For the first time, specialists of the trade Union center of North Kazakhstan region were invited to conduct a special course on the basics of labor legislation for heads of structural divisions and responsible employees. L. p. Golenkova, chief specialist in legal issues and mediation, conducted classes on issues of regulating labor relations and resolving individual and collective labor disputes using conciliation procedures. Legal norms regulating the issues of security and labour protection, as well as the introduction of the concept of “Zero injuries” at the enterprises of the region and of the project “people’s control” were considered the chief specialist on labor protection Turalinov Zh. The training was conducted in accordance with the signed agreement and training program courses.

It should be noted that in the context of the pandemic, the educational process was conducted in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, social distance and the division of students into subgroups. This course covered 93 people, including engineers, heads of services, workshops, group leaders, bureaus, engineers, technicians, site masters.

Thus, trade unions in modern conditions actually contribute to the training of qualified personnel in demanded specialties in the labor market, retraining of labor resources and ensuring the stability of labor relations in labor collectives.