In the Federation of Trade Unions, according to the Work Plan for the organization of training of the chairmen of trade union organizations and activists of the trade union movement of member organizations for 2021, a regular training seminar was held with the trade union activists of the NGO “Branch Trade Union of Workers of the Construction Complex and Housing and Communal Services”.

The training seminar was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Uteshev, moderated by Deputy Chairman of the Branch Trade Union of Workers of the Construction Complex and Housing and Communal Services Tleules Magyarova.

N. Uteshev told the seminar participants about the work carried out by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve measures to protect the rights and interests of trade union members. In addition, they also discussed the activities of the working groups created by the Federation of Trade Unions to develop a package of proposals and additions to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Trade Unions”. The measures to implement the General Agreement for 2021-2023 and the trade union projects “30 Enbek Elshi” and “People’s Budget”were not left without attention. According to Nurlan Uteshev, the trade union action “How do you live, primary?” – an online visit by the leadership of the FPRK to primary trade union organizations allows you to get answers to burning questions in a direct communication mode.

Trainers from among the staff of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of departments of the Committee on Socio-Economic Relations and Social Partnership Aizhan Ibraeva and Nazgul Aztayeva, as well as Deputy Director of the Department of Organizational and Control Work Lyazzat Eszhanova, told the participants of the training seminar about the main activities of trade unions. The participants of the training seminar-the chairmen of regional branches, local trade union organizations and primary trade union organizations from different regions of the Republic heard short courses on the following topics: “The basis of the legal activity of trade unions. The attractiveness of the trade union movement”, “Social partnership: development and signing of collective agreements”, ” State regulation, rights and obligations of employees and employers in the field of occupational safety and health. Investigation and accounting of accidents related to labor activity”, “Practice of applying labor legislation as amended and supplemented for 2021″ and ” Resolution of labor disputes. Organization of the work of the conciliation commission”.

At the end of the event, the participants of the seminar expressed the opinion that it is necessary to hold such meetings on an ongoing basis, since in practice, superficial knowledge of labor law, the organization of trade union work, and negotiation skills affect the effectiveness of taking measures to protect the rights and interests of employees in the field.

Meanwhile, in the construction industry, there is a low level of coverage of the trade union movement, this is mainly due to the urgent nature of the conclusion of labor contracts, for the period of performance of certain work, within the limits of received tenders and orders. Also, an important deterrent to the creation of a trade union is not the interest of employers, and often obstruction on their part. As a rule, it is in the construction industry that there is a large percentage of illegal labor hiring, concealment of accidents at work, which, if there is a trade union organization, could be reduced to zero.


Lyazzat Eszhanova, Deputy Director of the Department of Organizational and Control Work of the FPRK