On Friday, March 17, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Satybaldy Dauletalin, a regular meeting of the FPRK Executive Committee was held.

As part of the Year of Safe Work declared by the Trade Union Federation, the members of the Executive Committee adopted an appropriate action plan.

The action plan for the Year of Safe Work was presented by the First Deputy Chairman of the FPRK Mukhtar Tinikeev.  He said that in the light of increasing the level of safety and strengthening labor protection during the year, the Federation of Trade Unions will hold a republican competition for the title of “The Best Technical Inspector for Labor Protection of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan -2023”, a review competition “The best trade union organization leader in the field of safe  labor-2023”, the action “A single day without injuries”, the information campaign “Safe work”.

Along with this, the Federation of Trade Unions conducts a trade union analysis of the state of industrial injuries in the country, develops roadmaps to reduce industrial injuries at enterprises and forms proposals for improving legislation in this area.

The results of the Year of Safe Work will be summed up at the Republican Forum of the Federation of Trade Unions: “Safe work is the foundation for the successful development of society.”

After listening to the speaker, the Chairman of the FPRK Satybaldy Dauletalin noted the practical significance of each of the points of the plan in reducing the level of industrial injuries.

“Implementation of the plan will make it possible to strengthen control over labor safety at every enterprise where there is a primary trade union organization.  We are in favor of expanding the scope of the ASPANS, Vizion Zero, and People’s Control projects.  It is necessary to work out this issue with all social partners,” the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasized.

Members of the Executive Committee considered the project “The First Trade Union Trade Network”, which will be launched in pilot mode in the Karaganda region.

The meeting approved measures to support the Trade Union Center of Mangystau Oblast, providing for the expansion of the organizational and staffing structure with the opening of a representative office of the Trade Union Center in Zhanaozen.

“Social and labor relations in the Mangistau region are under special control of trade unions.  It is important for us to maintain stability in the relations of social partners at the enterprises of the oilfield service and oil industry.  Therefore, a representative of the trade union center of the region will deal with topical issues of the Zhanaozen trade unions.  We are also strengthening the staff with experienced lawyers in labor law,” said Satybaldy Dauletalin.

Next week Aktau will host another trade union educational marathon for employers and workers in the region on the practice of applying labor legislation in preventing labor disputes.

In connection with the opening of new regions, the Executive Committee of the Federation expanded the powers of the Trade Union Centers of Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Karaganda regions.

This measure is necessary to ensure full-fledged relationships with social partners in the new regions of the country: Zhetysu, Abay and Ulytau regions.

In addition, during the meeting, amendments and additions to the “Regulations on awards and signs of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were adopted.

In accordance with the new norms, trade union awards will be awarded on state, national and professional holidays.