Italy is hosting a training course on “Advocacy to revitalize trade unions” organized by the Turin Training Center of the International Labor Organization.

Participants from 10 countries and 5 international organizations gathered to discuss and exchange views and experiences on communication, popularization of the trade union movement. The Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of    Kazakhstan is represented at the event by the director of the Department of International Cooperation of the FPRK Tahmina Kubasheva.

On March 28, the official launch of the Innovation Laboratory at the Turin Training Center will take place, where the Guide to Strengthening Trade Unions was presented. One of the most effective tools for

The revitalization of the labor movement is an advocacy activity, the participants note. The ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) has produced guidance to support workers’ organizations in their revitalization efforts.

The document is a continuation of ACTRAV’s Communication for Impact: A Guide to Strengthening Workers’ Organizations, launched in 2018. The guide is the first in a series of publications on specific topics related to trade union communication. The document is a kind of response to the demand expressed by trade unions and reveals the role and importance of advocacy to strengthen the influence of trade unions at the national, regional and global levels.

“The guidance offered to the participants of the seminar is aimed at stimulating the communication component in the activities of trade unions. Here there is an exchange of best practices in the field of advocacy as a tool assertion and protection of their influence by workers’ organizations,” said Takhmina Kubasheva.

The ILO hopes that the Guide will help the trade union movement to develop effective advocacy in order to: strengthen their image and reputation in order to attract new members, especially young people, women, migrant workers, workers in the informal economy, as well as the digital economy; increase their influence on the policies and actions of decision makers at all relevant levels.