During a working trip to MAEK LLP, representatives of the FPRK met with the chairmen and members of the executive bodies of trade unions of the NGO “Local Trade Union “MAEK” and the primary trade union organization of workers of LLP “MAEK-Kazatomprom” of the Mangistau regional branch “Kazakhstan branch trade union of workers of medium and small businesses” YNTYMAQ”.

In connection with the activities of two trade union organizations at the enterprise, problems periodically arose when it was necessary to make unified decisions. For example, for more than four months it was not possible for two trade unions to reach an agreement on representation in a single body, which was necessary to initiate amendments and additions to the current collective agreement of the enterprise.

With the participation of representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the two trade unions sat down at the negotiating table. The result of the constructive dialogue was the adoption of a decision to create, on equal parity terms, a representative body. All trade unions have the same goal – to promote the principles of the trade union movement in protecting the rights and interests of ordinary members of the trade union, the development of social partnership in relations with employers, the prevention of labor disputes and conflicts, the prevention of violations of labor laws and much more.

A single representative body is created if the organization has two or more primary trade union organizations.

At the end of the meeting between the trade unions, a protocol on interaction was drawn up. “Further on, the representative body of workers will represent and protect the interests of the members of the two trade unions at MAEK LLP,” Lyazzat Yeszhanova, deputy director of the Department for Organizational and Control Work of the FPRK, summarized the outcome of the meeting.